I hope you all have been enjoying my crazy cat pictures because I have decided to post one a week. Stanley and Tucker give me such great material, that I have to share. Plus they help with this:
Manic: Me on most days!
Managed: I see my cats do something crazy or cute and I just instantly relax. I am a big believer that pets help us relieve some of our daily stress.
So here is this week’s crazy cat pic of the week. And learn from me, if your kitty likes to hang out with you when you are working on the computer, be sure to save your work as you go! See what I mean:
- Standing at attention hoping to get my attention as I type away.
- Since I didn’t pet him, decides to hang out and accidentally turns off my computer!
And yes, I had saved my work so Stan, the man, was not in trouble. He is my orange Alma mata (I’m a Longhorn) cute crazy cat! We adopted both our kitties from the Arizona Humane Society and they are both awesome pets. Remember to adopt from the pound when you are looking for a companion 🙂
Stan the Man, love that name!
My kids named the cats! Thanks 🙂
Great photos ~ I love that you love cats.
Thanks Jude! I remember that you love cats, too. They really calm me down sometimes and are so good with the kids! Yep, my two are pretty spoiled, I must say!