Weekly Pet Pic: Lazy Lucy!

Manic:  Our new kitten, Lucy when she is in full play mode!  She is such fun!

Managed:  How well we are all adjusting to our new little girl that my daughter adopted from the shelter through the Petco Think Adoption First program.  Lucy has been a terrific addition to our family.  Here are a few pics that show the relaxed side of Lucy that I call our Lazy Lucy pictures…

Lucy lounging with her human! Life is good. And I love that she brought her toy along for the nap!

Lucy lounging with her stuffed dog.

Lazy Lucy napping with her Mama.























Lucy has been a wonderful addition to our family!  If you are considering adopting a furry friend to complete your summer, consider a cuddly, crazy and cute kitten or a cool cat!  Our local paper ran a story several weeks ago about how this summer is one of the worst summers for the overflow of cats the shelters have seen come in to the facility.

Since we spent several weeks considering a new pet  and looking at several different shelter holds, we observed a lot of sweet adult cats who had been brought to the Humane Society because their people could no longer afford to keep them. It was so sad to see these sweet cats looking so lonely in the adoption areas.  I just wanted to adopt all of them.  There are a lot of dogs in need, too.

So take it from us, bringing home a new furry friend has been a little bit of extra work, but the joys of little Lucy have captured our hearts.  She makes us smile and laugh daily and showers us with love and kitty kisses.  I think rescue animals know and appreciate the humans that give them a happy home.  And Lucy is slowly…but surely beginning to fit in with our 5-year-old boy cats.  More on that in my next pet pics article next weekend, so stay tuned.

Do you have a new baby in the house?  Have you recently adopted a homeless cat or rescued a stray dog?  Tell us about it and share here in the comments section.  Send in your pet pic to [email protected].  We love to get the pictures and we love to show them every weekend because we are big believers that our pets enhance our life and reduce our stress and that is good stuff for both our animals and their humans!