Weekly Pet Pic: A Cute Canine with Christmas Spirit!

Manic:  This month!  December has arrived and that means Christmas, wrapping, shipping, my daughter’s 10 Christmas Carol shows, finals for my son and much more!

Managed:  Taking a page out of this cute dog’s life and remembering to take time to celebrate the season with Christmas shows and movies like this one called Arthur Christmas that cutie pie Zack is watching….

We love it!  Thank you to Zack’s human Mama, Bridget for sending us his cute picture.  She tells us that Zack loves to hang out with the kids in the play room and watch movies!  What a cute pooch!

Send us your pet pics!  We love to get them and post them every weekend to remind ourselves to spend some down time with our furry friends that love us all year long!  Email your pics to [email protected].

Have a great weekend as we countdown to the New Year!