This Week’s Words of Wisdom

managedmoms_1checkThank you to my readers who have sent in some cool words of wisdom since I started this weekly Saturday post.  Today’s comes from our reader, Jodie (Jodie says that this quote is by Carol Clendinen) and it struck me because so far 2014 has presented our family with a couple of challenges that were unforseen, so this quote has proven true for me lately, although I must admit, I do still lose it at times, so the “never” part of this is hard to accomplish, but a great goal to strive for.  Here it is below….can you relate….

“Blessed are the flexible for they shall never be bent out of shape.”

Sometimes you learn that you have no choice but to be flexible to move forward.  Plus the more research we see about the toll that stress takes on our body, the more important this statement is to our overall well-being.

Here’s to enjoying the times that require little flexibility when life seems to be moving right along….and for the times that being flexible keeps you moving forward when the going gets tough.

We will have more words of wisdom next week from some other readers who have sent in their favorite quotes.  Feel free to join in by emailing your favorite to [email protected].