This and the other beautiful desert photos were taken by my cousin, Terri Lynn…who by the way…told me that she loves visiting Phoenix in the summer!
Manic: The school year, especially during these hectic last few weeks when finals hit, year end performances are scheduled and more. It truly makes my head spin!
Managed: The summer because my kids’ schedules slow down and I can catch my breath and relax a little before the busy school year starts up again. That is definitely part of the reason that I don’t mind summer here in hot AZ. However, I actually liked it even before I had kids and this crazy busy life that comes with being a mom. And you know what? I liked Phoenix in the summer back when I was a carefree teenager living here, too. And now as an adult, I appreciate it even more.
And April is Keep America Beautiful Month, so when Tiffany of Dropcam asked me to write an article about what makes my slice of America so wonderful, I readily agreed to share why I absolutely love calling sunny Phoenix, Arizona my all time favorite home (and I have lived in a lot of places).
Want to know why there are people like me here in our 112 degrees and up summer weather temps who are hot, but happy? Read on and then tell me if you still think I’m crazy?
*Because it is a dry heat! I know that makes most of you laugh, but I have lived and spent summers in Maryland, Houston and in Austin and I can tell you that the dry heat beats the heck out of the humidity!
*Everyone leaves town and this is a sweet little secret for you to know about. For me, the freeways open up and for you, out of towners who froze all winter long and want to take a luxury summer vacation, prices come way down on our super nice resorts that include pristine golf courses and award winning spas. Check my travel section to see my many reviews of local resorts like The Phoenician, The Arizona Grand, Hyatt Regency Gainey Ranch and more. Just take a look at some of our fun pictures from our “staycation” resort stays. When the rates come down 60% we locals take full advantage and we enjoy every minute of it because our 4 and 5 star resorts are some of the nicest in the nation. Some resorts offer rooms as low as $89 per night in our off summer season. And take a look at how nice these properties are….

The Arizona Grand sports a 7 acre water park complete with a lazy river and very tasty poolside Prickly Pear margaritas for Mom and Dad!

My favorite resort activity at The Phoenician was the Yoga For Everybody class that allowed me to bring my girl. Since we had booked massages, the yoga class was free. And this property does offer kids massages, as long as she is in the same room with me. So we booked massages for two and my daughter told me that the massage (her first) was her favorite thing that we have ever done! Yep, she takes after me for sure, except that I didn’t have my first massage until I was 26 years old, so she is one lucky kid!

Enjoying the fire pit and patio restaurant at the Hyatt Regency Gainey Ranch (which also greet you with a free margarita at check-in)
Have you noticed that my son and hubs are missing in the above resort pictures? That is because they are usually at the amazing golf courses having their own fun.

This was taken a few years ago, since my son is now taller than his Dad, at The Phoenician on our room’s pretty patio. They headed out to golf after this was taken and still golf together a lot, which is great bonding time, especially now that our son is 16!
For more Arizona resort and hotel reviews, check the travel section of my blog or email at [email protected] if you need recommendations. Now back to my other reasons that I love Phoenix…
*I like that the sun rises at 5am in the summer and doesn’t set until after 8pm. All of that daylight gives me good energy and I feel like I can get a lot done in a relaxed manner. Plus it is easier to rise and shine in the AM with the sunlight and welcoming warm morning temps. I find it is harder to get out of bed in the cold and dark winter mornings. I love the sun, can you tell that I’m a Leo?!
*Summer fashions are so nice and easy. Getting dressed in the morning is simple and the styles are comfortable and breezy. What gal doesn’t love a pretty pastel sundress with fun heels or fashionable flip flops?
*Our desert sunsets! Some of the best in the nation. They truly rock. Absolutely breath taking to see and this picture does not do it justice because AZ sunsets are that great, really.
*Summer nights! My son and I sometimes take evening walks through our cactus-lined neighborhood streets. At 9pm at night, it is a nice walk with a slight breeze from the afternoon winds that we happen to get here quite a bit at night. I will admit that the winds blow hot air, but it is a dry heat….remember?!
*Our city is equipped for the extreme heat, so it doesn’t feel so extreme to us since we are somewhat acclimated and our stores and malls are ready for us with a nice air-conditioned entrance.
*And as my Mother says when she visits here from Maryland…she loves our big desert sky. You can really see the stars shine here at night. Some are sparkly and some are bold and bright. They just light up the night sky and you can truly lose yourself for a bit just gazing up at our big ol’ desert sky!
*Last but not least, having a hot summer means that our winter will be mild and I’m all for that since I must admit that I am a cold weather wimp!
And with a mild fall, winter and spring, year round hiking on our numerous gorgeous desert trails can be done daily, which is a free workout. Call me crazy, but I’m telling you, I keep running into folks who comment that they don’t mind our summer at all. Perhaps that is why, they like me, are still here in town, while a huge portion of people have left for a bit. So I will savor my summer days, stay inside when the midday temps top out and head back out at night to admire the stunning stars in my big Arizona sky. And you can’t beat the desert flower blooming on a vibrant green cactus. So lovely…
And I know that this place isn’t perfect as we have dust storms and allergies to contend with, but the Valley of the Sun is firmly entrenched in this Southwestern gal’s heart! Does anyone else out there share my love for our desert city? Tell me here in the comments section what you like about summer in Arizona and/or living here in general?
***No compensation was received for this article. My opinions about my beloved home state, resort recommendations are 100% my own passionate opinion about living in beautiful Phoenix.***
Rachel, I’m right there with you and love Arizona even in the sizzling summer! I’m an Arizona native who grew up here, so most of my family lives in the Valley, plus many of my friends I’ve known since grade school. Having a big network of family and friends makes summer BBQs and swim parties really fun! Where else can you hike on one mountain and then ski on another?! I love that we can drive two hours to Flagstaff to escape the heat or enjoy the snow. After living in Pittsburgh, PA, for 3.5 years, I especially appreciate our blue skies and sun! I used to take them for granted. However, when you don’t see the sun or blue sky for weeks at a time in Pittsburgh, it’s so depressing. I’m still not ready for gloomy clouds and rain like we had this weekend. I also think it’s nice to be able to throw on flip-flops most of the time and just head out. When I lived in Pittsburgh in the winter, it took 45 minutes to warm up the car and another to scrape off the snow. Then I had to bundle everyone up in boots, layers and layers, and then pray the car didn’t slide on ice. I’d just rather be hot than cold!
I agree Shay and I completely forgot to list the point about us being able to quickly drive to snow in our lovely Flagstaff area. I love what you said about you can hike one mountain and ski down another all in the same state! So true. Love AZ!