My mom swore I had the anti-Covid gene.
I tempted fate repeatedly with an abundance of frequent flyer miles to prove it. I was a regular at reunions, weddings, concerts, a few MLB games and sadly, several funerals.
I stayed bedside by several relatives during lengthy hospital stays and I was fortunate enough to spend 10 days in Europe.
Most everyone I know did one of those things, shared experience highlights…and then a few days later shared a disappointing Covid diagnosis.
But not me. Somehow I continued to defy the odds for four years! Until September 3rd. Dang it!
Covid 2019 finally got me in 2024 and demonstrated that I wasn’t special. The FLiRT variation took hold of our household and…as an extra bonus to rub it in that I went SO long evading this pesky virus…Covid Rebound reared its ugly head, too!
Here’s what happened and how it went down. I’m good now, but it took three full weeks to kiss the unwelcome house guest goodbye!
Seeing the test stick finally show negative two days ago had me cheering almost as loud as when I had seen those beloved positive pregnancy tests years before!
But first, let me take you back to three weeks ago…
By the time I stared at a Covid positive test stick, I was almost relieved. Two days after attending a DBacks MLB game, to excitedly watch our son hard at work in his job as the LA Times LA Dodgers sports reporter, my hubs felt ill. We figured it was the standard sinus infection that he is so prone to getting.
So, I abandoned my usual caution of keeping my distance from him as he hacked and sneezed. Big mistake!
When he asked me for Tylenol and Advil (he NEVER takes that stuff), I grew suspicious, so I gave him a Covid test. We were both surprised when we got the positive read. I guess we should not have been shocked, but we were beginning to believe we did have that special gene my mom swore we possessed.
The test stick proved otherwise. Dang it again!
Three days later, I could feel myself going down, but my test stick was negative, so when it finally showed a positive result the next morning, I was almost relieved.
Finally got me, so let’s get this over with!
The CVS Telehealth nurse was fantastic, efficient, responsive and thorough.
“Rachel, I see you are 57 years old. I know the vaccine can be a controversial topic, but may I ask you if you received the Covid vaccine this year?” she cautiously inquired. I assured her that I wasn’t anti-vax, but I hadn’t received my boosters since October 2022. I remember running to get the poke in my arm at that time as I was trying to do everything I could to be sure that a surprise Covid diagnosis wasn’t going to keep me from my son’s much anticipated wedding!
I explained to the nurse that my doctor told me at my physical last year that the Covid vax was unnecessary since I was under 65 and didn’t have underlying health conditions. Awesome, I thought at the time, so I only took the flu shot and went on my merry way.
With that information, Nurse CVS told me I qualified and would benefit from a 5-day regimen of Paxlovid, so I dutifully popped those pills. My husband’s doctor recommended the same for him, so that’s what he did.
As promised, the Pax worked well and had us both feeling better within three days. That horrible iron taste side effect wasn’t fun, but I could still taste food, so I chose to ignore that.
My symptoms were never terrible. Low grade fever on day 2, although I did tremble a little bit with that. Sore throat, extreme fatigue, sinus pain and light sniffles. The only symptom that was unsettling was the light chest tightness I experienced off and on. It was super mild, I was never out of breath and my oximeter readings remained strong, so I wasn’t alarmed, but I didn’t like it.
For me, Covid was odd. Not near as bad as the flu or even a bad cold, but I could feel it move around daily. From my chest to my throat to my sinuses and then back down to the chest again. Each time was a bit more mild. Each time I told Covid to get the capital F out of my body!
My husband had a different experience. He was pretty ill…like a bad flu combined with an awful sinus infection, but his illness was manageable, without complications. That is the main function of the antiviral and it did the job.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot the day of diarrhea I had….although I will never know if that was from the virus, the Paxlovid…or the overabundance of coffee ice cream I indulged in two days in a row. That was fun…I justified the creamy caffeine filled ice cream scoops with self-pity and the comfort it gave my sore throat combined with the sugar high. Not the best remedy, I know, but sure was yummy!
On day 5, I happily tested negative. Hooray, I thought! That wasn’t bad at all. Thanks Paxlovid!
Two days later, I felt horrible again, so I retested and came up positive again What???!!!
Another positive test confirmed it. I had Covid Rebound.
Yeah, that’s a real thing. Dang it!!!
This time I had a Telehealth visit with my doctor’s PA, who strongly suggested I repeat a regimen of Paxlovid.
Dang it again.
My insurance said no way to that, so I decided to let my body fight off the pesky Covid virus on it’s own during this annoying rebound phase.
Rebound Covid usually is very mild (true, but the fatigue sucks) and typically clears within 3 to 5 days.

Woo hoo! Finally done! Tested negative the recommended two days in a row to be sure!
It took me a full 7 days without Paxlovid. Did it on my own this time. Both Hubs and I cheered together when we viewed our side-by-side negative test strips.
Finally done! This all started for us on September 3rd and ended on September 24th! A lesson in patience for sure.
That’s my I-finally-got-Covid-AND-THEN-Covid Rebound story. Has this happened to you?
Now I’m loaded with Covid antibodies, which is the silver lining.
But when those antibodies fade, typically in 6 to 8 months, I’ve read…I don’t think I will wait until I’m 65 to get the Covid vax. Back to the poke in the arm as it seems those who get the shot are able to keep Covid Rebound at bay. Yes please if Covid unwittingly comes around again.
That most unwelcome house guest that forces folks to take a break from life for a bit.
Not my favorite thing.
Be well everyone!