My Thoughts on My New IPhone 5

Manic:  My kids both have birthdays coming up in the next few weeks!

Managed:  My daughter got me when she suggested that the only present she desired was my old iPhone 4S.  Clever since she knew that my contract was up and that the new iPhone 5 came in!  So, she talked me into it and off we went to Verizon to get my new phone.  She has been delighted ever since!  And I get to try the phone and tell you all about it!

The new iPhone 5 is very similar to my former iPhone 4S.  You still get Suri, which my girl is really digging about having my old phone now!  The differences are:

*Slimmer and lighter phone and I like this because it fits nicely in my car’s door pocket.  It also takes up less room in my overcrowded purse.  You can see in this picture that it is thinner (and therefore lighter) than my old phone.  See below…the new one is housed in the purple cover….

*Panoramic pictures can now be taken.  My son tried it out and took this one of our kitchen.  To see it clearly, click on the picture.  Pretty cool indeed…

*The screen is longer and larger as shown here when I compare my new phone to my old one….*Ear phones called ear pods come with the new iPhone 5 and they are cool.  I have heard that these comfy ear pods have been in development for the last couple of years over at Apple.  I do like them and they stay in my ears better than my old pair, plus I like that they came with the phone.  

*Note that the charging cord is different!  It is much smaller and I have found that to be frustrating because I can no longer use the cord that I kept in my car, so now I’m constantly forgetting to take the cord from my house (where I use it to charge my phone overnight) to my car, where I use it to play my music.  So even though you receive a free cord with your phone purchase (as it should be), I’m tempted to buy a second charging cord that I can always keep in my car because the new phone is not compatible with my cord from my previous phone.  A little annoying.  Plus I can no longer borrow my family members’ charging cords since my iPhone 5 cord is different from everyone else in the family.  I need to make sure that I double check that I have my charging cord the next time we travel!

* The iPhone 5 has a nice HD FaceTime option, so if you have long-distance relatives or friends, that is a nice feature as well.  And as a Mom, I love that videos are shot in HD.

So for the most part, I love my new IPhone 5 and my daughter feels like she won the birthday lottery getting my old phone, so it worked it well for both of us.  I’m no techie (as you can tell by this casual review) and I received no compensation from Apple in any form or fashion (too bad for me), so this review is 100% my personal opinion.

As far as cost goes, that depends on what iPhone 5 version you purchase and where you buy it.  The information that I found online about pricing is that it sells for $199 for 16GB, $299 for 32GB, and $399 for 64GB when signing a contract with AT&T, Verizon, or Sprint.

What about you?  Do you have the new iPhone 5?  What is your opinion of yet another new version of the iPhone?  Tell us here in the comments section.


  1. Kim & Co. says:

    Having all the components no longer compatible was the deal breaker for me. It’s nice having everything interchange for both our phones.

    Let Lexi know if she does the new update on the 4S she will have the panoramic camera, too.

    Congrats on the new phone 🙂

    • managedmom says:

      Thanks for the tip, Kim! I understand your point about the non-compatibility. That is annoying to me, too!

  2. Apple has an adapter that will allow you to use your old equipment but the website says it won’t ship for 2 – 3 weeks. You can buy the cable though and use it with the plug in part of an old charger, which I’m thinking of doing. Also, if you need a car charger, my rep at Verizon told me to get the Belkin one because the others don’t put out enough amps to fully charge the phone. The car adapter is basically the piece that goes into what used to be the cigarette lighter and you plug your cable into it. Also, if you’re having SIM card issues, take your phone in. Mine turned out to be a fingerprint on the SIM card. Once they cleaned it, the phone is working fine. Somebody got lazy at the Apple factory and fingerprinted my SIM card. Love the phone though. The sound is ridiculously amazing and the longer size is easier to talk on.