A Unique Valentine’s Day Gift Idea That Gives Back

If you are looking for a unique Valentine’s Day gift idea that gives back, consider sending that special someone a singing Valentine.  Phoenix barbershop quartet, Vocal Edition does just that and they give a portion of the proceeds back to the Youth In Harmony foundation that supports youth participating in the Fine Arts.vocal editionThe money provides funding assistance with grants, scholarships, transportation, festivals and contests for high school and college age musical participants.  For example, donations from Vocal Edition recently helped to send several quartets and a chorus from Chandler High School to participate in barbershop youth contests.  I am a big believer that having kids involved in the Arts (my daughter is very involved with our local community theater for example) helps with their self-esteem, public speaking skills and more, not to mention the time spent attending rehearsals, performances and competitions keeps them out of trouble and very busy as they work to perfect their craft.  I love that Vocal Edition supports that.

And they are pretty talented.  Take a look….

Vocal Edition is also an award-winning barbershop quartet having been named the 2011 and 2013 Arizona Quartet Champions.  They are also the current Far Western District Silver Medalists of the Barbershop Harmony Society.

Vocal Edition consists of Tenor Eric Bjornsen, Lead Tim McMullan, Baritone Danny Ryan and Bass Dan Davenport and together have performed in Sedona, Tucson, Payson, all over the Phoenix metro area, and in Southern California.  They were again crowned AZ Quartet Champs in 2013, and were one of five quartets in the Southwest USA to qualify and compete in Toronto, Canada, at the International Barbershop Quartet contest in July 2013.  Vocal Edition are the current BHS Far Western District SILVER Medalists for 2013. Their website says this this talented group of guys love to entertain audiences with crisp, lively uptunes, beautiful ballads, and some G-rated jokes and stories mixed in.  They are fun, unique and talented and give back to our youth.

If you are interested in booking Vocal Edition for Valentine’s Day or other events, call the Chorus’s main number at 480 947 SING (7464) or contact  www.sopchorus.org to book a singing Valentine.

The BHS (Barbershop Harmony Society)  2013 Silver Medalist qualified Vocal Edition to compete again this year at international  in Las Vegas in July 2014.  Managedmoms.com wishes them good luck and continued success!