My Wellness DREAM Routine To Combat Cold & Flu Season

Tis’ the season for cold and flu, so today I shared my wellness DREAM routine in my cold and flu remedies segment on the CW7 Arizona Daily Mix morning show. Check out my action plan to try to stay healthy.When I follow this mantra, 99% of the time, I get through the holidays without illness. And when sickness strikes, I plan ahead and have my go-to remedy kit on hand. The last thing I want to do when battling a bug is to have to go to the store. Feel good foods can also make a difference, so I share my favorites below. Take a look at my mama-approved wellness plan that has worked well for me…most years…knocking on wood as I type this!

First Things First: Be Proactive With DREAM Routine

When I follow this DREAM routine mantra, I stay well. When I deviate, I feel it and sometimes catch the cold! Try this on for size…obvious stuff…but easy to forget at times. Be consistent and do this…

D-Destress – Do what you do to manage your stress. Do it often. Too much stress will get you.

R-Rest-Get your sleep and try to keep a consistent turn in and wake up time.

E-Eat well – Especially challenging during the holiday season. Remember moderation and that food is fuel.

A-Active – Stay active and keep moving however that works for you. Gym, walking, hiking, dancing, gardening…do it.

M-MD – See your doc and get your annual physical. I schedule mine every year during my birthday month, so I don’t forget.

Mama Approved Wellness Remedy Kit

Usually the DREAM routine above keeps me healthy, but when a virus rears it’s ugly head, I’m always glad that I practice what I preach and have my mama approved wellness remedy kit on hand. Here’s what’s inside…

Sore Throat Solutions

*ThroatCalm Spray by Boiron works on contact to provide targeted sore throat relief without the numbing effects of traditional throat sprays. This feel better cooling mist delivers a dose of plant-powered active ingredients like Echinacea to soothe and relieve minor sore throat pain. I especially like the natural mint-like herbal flavor.It’s light and refreshing and feels good on my throat when I’m experiencing throat discomfort. I’m also a fan because this homeopathic medicine by Boiron has no artifical dyes, flavors or colors. Sold at Sprouts Farmers Market locations, natural product stores and visit for store locations, coupons and more information.

*ThroatCoat Herbal Tea – Even though I don’t like the taste of this tea, it truly helps a sore throat. I also sip it when I have a morning show segment to keep my voice strong. A lot of singers, teachers, reporters and others in voice demanding jobs drink this as a proactive and therapeutic remedy.

*Manuka Honey – I first learned about this remedy from my mother. You will pay more for Manuka, but it has medicinal properties that can soothe a sore throat.Take a spoonful when you feel something coming on and mix it in herbal tea, too. IMPORTANT NOTE: NEVER GIVE HONEY TO BABIES 1 YEAR AND UNDER. Honey contains a specific bacteria that can potentially cause infant botulism. 

Honey is a food so that gives me a good segue to talk about wellness foods. Here are my top picks that I try to always have on hand…

Feel Good Foods

*Honey as discussed above. Manuka is the best, but I understand budgets are tight, so look for a brand made with local honey ingredients as this can also help with environmental allergies.

*Good ol’ chicken noodle soup – It’s not just comfort food as the broth contains vitamins and minerals that hydrate and thin nasal passages to help clear congestion in both the nose and throat. Homemade is best, but keep a couple of cans and saltine crackers in the pantry. If you get sick, a quick can of soup is fast and helpful. My favorite canned variety is the Trader Joe’s brand. Tasty and therapeutic in a pinch.

*An apple a day – Remember that ol’ saying…an apple a day keeps the doctor away?! The phrase was coined because apples help strengthen the immune system with a good dose of Vitamin C and antioxidents. Slice up an apple and top with cinnamon to satsify a sweet tooth or peanut butter for a sweet and salty craving. Apples also naturally clean teeth by gently removing plaque in between the chompers.

Skin Smoothers

*Calendula Cream by Boiron – My mom’s longtime favorite homeopathic cream because this light creamy water-based formula works for all kinds of skin ailments. She especially likes to use it to treat cuts, scrapes and sunburn. She and I are also big fans because the cream doesn’t contain any fragrances, dyes or parabens. The star ingredient is calendula, which is incredibly healing. I’m so thrilled that the homeopathic Boiron line of products can be found at Sprouts Farmers Market locations, natural product stores and at Get coupons at the site, too!

*Olive Oil – Just like honey, grab this staple from your kitchen to help combat dry skin that the winter months can cause. I spray some on my cuticles and lips when I’m using it in the kitchen. Multitasking meal prep with a few quick beauty treatments. Fun and functional!

*Oatmeal – For Eczema sufferers, we dealt with this with my daughter for years. We use the Aveeno Oatmeal packs that go in the bath. The other tip is to apply a soothing lotion right after exiting the tub or shower, while skin is still damp so that the moisturizer penetrates the dry skin barrier immediately. The skin gets better absorbtion is this way. The oatmeal packs are sold at drug stores and at Target.

Sinus Soothers

*Sinus bath/Steamy Shower – For sinus issues and congestion, a steamy shower is very helpful, but if you are like me, a warm bath is soothing, especially when I’m unwell.I pour a capful of Kneipp’s Aromatherapy Bubble Bath Eucalyptus in my bath and it helps every time.

*Puff’s Plus Lotion with Vick’s tissues – Of course have tissues ready to go, but buy the kind that are lotion enhanced and include Vick’s Vapor Rub, which is so soothing.  I think that makes a difference since a sick nose tends to become raw with all of the nose blowing. I buy my boxes at Target.

I recently discovered the new Advil/Tylenol combo pill. For a severe flu or other nasty virus, I like the ibuprofen and acetaminophen combo that is blended together in one capsule. It’s called Advil Dual Action and I take it if I’m really feeling bad.

My first line of defense continues to be the Boiron line because I love that the remedies are homepathic. Check them all out at And get money-saving Boiron coupons at the Boiron site, too!

What are your go-to remedies for illness? Share in the comments section as I love when my readers tell us about what works great in their wellness arsenal. Be well everyone!




 is very proud to partner with Boiron to share tips and tools for wellness remedies. 














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