Our Road Trip Adventure: Day 4 to Monterey, CA

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    Manic:  Another crazy busy day today!

Managed:  Taking a moment to quickly show you Day 4 of our California road trip because many of you have told me that you are enjoying the road trip posts and because seeing these cool pictures relaxes me before I head out into the stressful world!  So enjoy these photos from our trip, which took us to cool Monterey!  And everyone told us that we had to make the Monterey Bay Aquarium (www.montereybayaquarium.com) a part of our road trip, so we did and we agree that you should go there someday, too!  Take a look!

One of the many cool exhibits that allows kids to pet the sealife.
We enjoyed the Monterey Bay Aquarium from the inside…
…and from the outside by the beautiful bay!
These seals were fun to see from outside of the aquarium, too.
We recommend visiting the Monterey Bay Aquarium! It is big and beautiful!

More road trip adventures coming!  Have a great day everyone!



  1. annie is on my lap enjoying the pics of your road trip, too!