New Years Day Thoughts Instead of Resolutions!

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Manic:  Thinking about pressuring myself to get going on New Years resolutions!

Managed:  Taking a different approach this year to instead start the year by taking some pressure off myself to replace the usual New Year’s resolution with a cool new monthly family tradition and daily positive thoughts.  Before I explain my anti New Years resolutions reasoning, check out this awesome idea that uses a mason jar to store all of your good news events throughout the year….

I learned about the Good Times Jar Project from one of my friends who shared this cool idea on her Facebook page.  To do this, start on January 1st with an empty jar. Throughout the year write the good things that happened to you on little pieces of paper. On December 31st, open the jar and read all the amazing things that happened to you that year.  I love this idea and what a fun tradition to look forward to at the end of the year.  I must give credit where credit is due….this cool idea comes from The Homestead Survival Blog.  I love it and we plan to do it for sure!  I’m telling my family about it tonight over our New Years Day dinner!

And about my no resolutions plans….I simply mean to say that I think we already live with a lot of daily pressures to eat right, stay on a budget, exercise, be good parents, find the balance, etc!  So instead of adding more pressure to our life, how about not making a firm New Years resolution and to instead remember these simple ideas…

*Pace Yourself as you go about your busy days trying to get everything done

*Forgive Yourself if you don’t get the entire daily list checked off because the list will still be there tomorrow

*Enjoy Yourself….pick one day a week to eat that piece of cake or not go to the gym

*Be Yourself….try to ignore all of the ads and pressure to be perfectly slim or to run the perfect household.  Remember those images are in paid ads, on the big movie screen or on TV shows that aren’t reality!

*Take Care of Yourself…this is the one that is closest to a New Year’s resolution.  Keep it simple by making good choices that take care of yourself.

How does this sound for a good non New Year’s Resolution plan?

Happy New Year Everyone!!