Weekly Pet Pic: Meet Niner!

    Manic:  The new school year!  School started for us two weeks ago and just like that we are crazy busy again!

Managed:  Setting some time aside every weekend to enjoy the cute pet pics that our readers send in….thank you!  One of my gal pals, who is a busy mom of two middle school girls, sent us some adorable pictures of their beloved Niner dog. How cute is he?!  Take a look….IMG_0541

 And here is something we should all try to sneak in this weekend….nappingA nice nap!  Because before you know it….it will be Monday again and we will find ourselves back at work or back in the school parking lot in the long pick-up lines with sweet little Niner anxiously awaiting the return of his tween humans…

waitingA big thank you to Niner’s mom, Bridget for sending in such cute pictures of this adorable pup!  Send us your pet pics.  We love to get them and post them every weekend to remind us to relax with our pets and take some downtime.  Send your pics to [email protected] and have a good rest of your weekend.