Manic: Christmas preparations with the tree, the gifts, the shipping, the baking and more. It is joyful and fun, but truth be told, it can be a bit manic, too. And whenever my daughter cheers that there is X amount of days left before Christmas, I pretend to cheer with her, but I’m looking at it as a countdown that I’m not quite ready for!
Managed: Getting some comic relief that takes away my stress (well sort of, except for the climbing of the tree part of this story) when my girl’s silly Lucy cat shows us just how much she gets into the holiday spirit, too. Maybe a little too much as you can see in these Christmas cat pictures. I think she does love this holiday….
But claiming gifts wasn’t her only trick. We soon discovered that Lucy thinks that this Christmas tree is actually a cat tree placed in our living room just for her personal play time! Can you spot the cat in the tree???
She is truly hard to spot in that picture. We saw our tree moving, so that is how we discovered our little tree climber! Here is another shot where she isn’t so hidden….Our crazy Lucy girl! We did spray her with a water bottle to get her down and teach her that her gymnastic tree climbing abilities aren’t safe! Of course she found another tree spot to retire to after being scolded and she knows she looks cute…
But the next day, she was at it again, proudly showing off her tree climbing talents….
That stinker! So we watch her daily to make sure that she doesn’t hang herself or chew on the lights. She is doing it less and less, so we think she is finally getting the message that her humans don’t approve (although we are impressed) of her tree climbing abilities. She gave us a good laugh when she somehow figured out how to play a holiday game that my daughter thought up….each family member hides a decoration and leaves a hint of where to look for it. My little item is a mini wreath and my hint was “blends in” so when I found Lucy proudly standing in front of my hidden object, I had to laugh….
It is like she knew how to play the game and wanted to show us that she can play, too. Can you guess where I had hid my item….yep…high up in the tree! She seemed proud to have found it and brought it down! We love our crazy Christmas cat!
Send us your pet pics! We love to get them and post them every weekend. Email to [email protected] and have a great weekend before Christmas everyone!