Daily Fit Tip: Put Your Best Shoe Forward!

Manic:  Fell on my bum coming down the mountain three months ago because I didn’t take the time to buy the right shoes!

Managed:  Made time to buy the right shoes, which I will tell you about, so keep on reading!

First of all, if you’ve been following my daily fit tips (and thank you!), I did, indeed, meet my gal pal today for a fantastic hike up and down South Mountain.  Love this trail!

It is amazing how much quicker the time passes when you have a buddy to gab with while you both burn calories.   Good gal pals are good for our heart and soul, just like the hike is good for our heart and body. 

So, I told her about the time that I fell flat on my behind.  I was more embarrassed than anything! 

But I felt something else, too, that I think comes with getting older.  Yes, I was self-conscious for a second, but then I was grateful for my reflexes.  My body did just was it supposed to do!  My arms shot out to brace the fall and my big ol’ booty took the impact. 

And it was kind of amazing to me just how well our bodies work.  I had no idea I was about to fall.  It happened rather quickly on an easier part of the journey.  So, I didn’t to get holler out to my hips, “get ready down there!” or ask my arms to catch me to protect my back and my head. 

So, all of a sudden my embarrassed blush turned into a grateful smile.  And since I’ve broken my ankle three times in my life, man, was I grateful!

So today’s fit tip is to invest the time and money into buying the right pair of shoes for the right activity.   One week after my, ungraceful but grateful fall, I bought a great pair of Adidas Kanadia hiking shoes at Famous Footwear. 

Fresh dirt from the hike proving that I did my daily fit tip workout 🙂

I bought mine for $55 and my friend, Julie, bought herself a pair, too.  We both give these shoes two manic managed mom thumbs up! 

There are all kinds of hiking shoes to choose from as well, so if you plan to charge a mountain, get the right shoes first,  so you won’t end up thankful…but flat on your bum, like me!

Happy Hiking!


  1. Good for you!!! Well, not the fall, but the hiking. I took that trail once and
    I can totally see how you took a tumble. I prefer flat and easy sidewalks
    for my daily fitness walks. Plenty of herons and ducks make the walk
    so much better.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  2. You have a great weekend, too. I know what you mean about the trail and that one is easier than Camelback. I truly don’t know how people hike that! I didn’t get that kind of coordination!