An Easy & Pleasing Patio Makeover

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     Manic:  Clutter on the patio with little time or money to give it a big makeover.

   Managed:  Enlist the help of a talented gal pal who is good at interior/exterior designing and knows how to work on a budget!

Doesn’t it feel amazing when you take the time to declutter?  It not only cleans out your space, but it also gives your mind and body space to relax.  When you think of decluttering, do you think of a drawer or messy desk?  But how about your outside area?  My good pal, Bridget recently offered to help my friend out, so together we gave her patio a pretty makeover.  Here is what Bridget recommended and did to get it done in record time (one afternoon) and on a tight budget.  Read on and get inspired.

Angle #1:

Patio before with clutter taking up space.


      Angle #2:

Here is a before and after shot from another angle:


After with less clutter 🙂

*Bridget added only one new piece of furniture to keep the costs down.  That is the simple chair to the right of the table.  She took one of the existing pillows from the couch to accent the new chair.

*Lights purchased from Home Depot were added to the top of the porch roof.  They look good in the daytime and very attractive and festive at night.   Four boxes of string lights were purchased at Home Depot for $12.98 a strand.

Here is a glimpse of how cool the patio lights look at night. Very relaxing.

*A new fountain replaced the white one that had a broken pump.  An attractive earth brown color and the perfect height for the window, this fountain sells at Home Depot for $119.00.

Patio space where old fountain sits before makeover


New fountain and area after picture


Several other touches included adding plants and wall art.  Check out Bridget’s brilliant, and inexpensive, ideas!

Adding a cactus plant centerpiece not only looks nice, but this is a live plant that is hearty and can survive our hot summers!

Another fun idea is to add fun garden decor pieces like this turtle.

Dislike the way those giant walls look that surround your back yard? Add wall art. Because this sun had a chipped nose, Bridget asked the folks at Home Depot to discount it, so she ended up getting it for only $10! Smart thinking!

And Bridget didn’t stop with the patio. She moved the broken fountain to the back wall, so now it looks like a pretty bird bath. Plants and another turtle were added, so now when folks sit on the madeover patio, they have a nice area to look at, not just a cement wall.

So, the total cost for the pretty patio makeover came in under $500.  Because the homeowner decided to spend top dollar on the rug and she bought a new fountain, her costs added up there, but getting the sun wall art discounted, using old pieces in new ways and adding a few inexpensive cactus plants gave the patio a new look for a decent price.

Plus it was done in one busy and fun afternoon!  Stay tuned for more home makeover ideas from the guest home decor expert, our gal pal, Bridget!  What back patio makeover ideas have you tried?  Share here in the comments section.


  1. Very pretty and actually at $160 that rug was not that expensive. I’ve priced them out that size for around $300 at patio stores. I’ll have to check out Home Depot because I want one for my backyard.

    • Hi there, if anyone is looking for big, beautiful rugs for outside, that are UV Ray protective, mildew free, water resisitant and inexpensive….I have the place for you. I get my rugs inside and outdoor rugs at a Wholesale Store. Victory Wholesale….8 x 12 Rugs for $75.00, Umbrellas that tilt from the crank, $50.00, Fountains for $100 and much more! We love this place. So if anyone is interested, I would be more then happy to give you their address. They just recently opened up to the public….great deals! Because we all know that outdoor furniture and rugs, supplies and accessories can be very pricey!. Thanks for showing my design on a dime and in one afternoon.

      • managedmom says:

        Thanks Bridget! And hey everyone…this is the very talented Bridget who did the patio makeover in the article. She rocks 🙂

      • Hi Bridget,

        I would love to get the address from you.

        Thank You!


      • managedmom says:

        Thanks for visiting and for writing in, Nancy! Bridget says that the phone number to Victory Wholesale is 602-595-2940.