Pet Pics of the Week – Pampered or Pooped?

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Manic:  Running around crazy busy as the school year ends.

Managed:  Stopping to snap a shot of several pets that prompt us to ask the question, are they pampered or pooped?   See what we mean….

Teddy, this good-looking Goldendoodle, is definitely pooped out, but I would say he is also a pampered pup 🙂


And how about this cozy cat napper?

This guy even gets a blankie and affection! Yep, pooped out and pampered for sure!


Thanks Teddy’s Mom, for sending in his pooch picture. 

Do you have a fun pet pic to share?  Let us know, as we believe that posting a weekly pet pic makes you smile and reminds you to take time out to relax with your pampered pet over the weekend.  Taking that time is good for your beloved animal and good for you, too.

And pamper yourself while you are at it!  Have a good holiday weekend everyone!


  1. Teds is spoiled rotten.