Roman’s Recommended Yoga for Toning Ab Organs & More

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Happy Monday!  Roman helps us welcome the week with a great pose that tones the abs from the inside out, relieves mild back pain and more.  Read on and stretch with us for good health and a peaceful mind.

Roman says:

Wide-Legged Forward Bend, also called the Prasarita Padottanasana



*Strengthens and stretches the inner and back legs and the spine

*Tones the abdominal organs

*Calms the brain

*Relieves mild back pain

 1.  Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose), facing one of the long edges of your mat, then step or lightly hop your feet apart anywhere from 3 to 4 1/2 feet (depending on your height, taller people should step wider).

2.  Rest your hands on your hips or bind behind back if there is no discomfort.  Make sure your inner feet are parallel to each other. Lift your inner arches by drawing up on the inner ankles, and press the outer edges of your feet and ball of the big toe firmly into the floor.  Engage the thigh muscles by drawing them up.

3.  Inhale and lift your chest, making the front torso slightly longer than the back. Slide bound hands toward thighs as you roll your shoulders back and lift the sternum.

4.  Exhale and, maintaining the length of the front torso, lean the torso forward from the hip joints, lifting arms away from the back and towards the ceiling.  Lift your shoulders away from the ears and towards the hips.  As your torso approaches parallel to the floor, press your fingertips onto the floor directly below your shoulders. Extend your elbows fully.  Your legs and arms then should be perpendicular to the floor and parallel to each other. 

5.  Move your spine evenly into the back torso so that your back is slightly concave from the tailbone to the base of the skull.  Bring your head up, keeping the back of the neck long, and direct your gaze upward toward the ceiling.

 6.  Push your top thighs straight back to help lengthen the front torso, and draw the inner groins away from each other to widen the base of your pelvis. Take a few breaths. Make sure as you move down that you keep your front torso as long as possible.  Press your inner palms actively towards each other.  Stay in the pose anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 minute.   To come out, rest your hands on your hips, pull your tail bone down toward the floor, and swing the torso up.  Walk or hop your feet back into Tadasana.


About Roman Acevedo, Yoga Instructor 

 Roman began practicing yoga in 2000 to complement his rigorous workout and hectic work schedule. Leading to increased strength, concentration and flexibility, he found yoga far more beneficial in restoring peace in any stressful environment. Studying under Andrew Eppler and local instructors Dave Oliver, Cheryl Oliver and John Salisbury, Roman is currently working towards the 500 hour advanced Yoga Instructor training.

Read more about Roman on our team bio page. 

What is your favorite yoga pose?  Tell us in the comments section.