Sprouts Farmers Market Big 10th Anniversary Celebration!

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Manic:  Trying to feed my family healthy foods!

Managed:  Shopping at Sprouts Farmers Market!  The healthy grocery store enables me to buy nutritious foods at great prices.  Thanks Sprouts!  And big news!  The company is celebrating their big 10th anniversary with 10 Days of Giveaways!   Check this out….



So starting this Wednesday, July 11th, simply like Sprouts Farmers Market on Facebook and you will be entered into the Sprouts promotion that is giving away one awesome gift basket every day through July 20th!  Good luck! And be sure to check out the free, festive and fun 10th anniversary festivities that Sprouts Farmers Market has planned for customers!  Here is what is happening at the big celebration:

*On Wednesday, July 11, world-renowned “Cheese Lady” Sarah Kaufmann will make a special stop in Arizona to celebrate this milestone.  Sarah will carve an Arizona-themed birthday cake out of a 300 pound block of cheddar.  Yum!  Carving, cheese samples and photos with the Cheese Lady happen from 10am to 5pm at the very first Sprouts Farmers Market store located at 1959 West Ray Road in Chandler.
*Lots of steals and deals and a double ad Wednesday (this week’s and last week’s prices all valid) starting at 7am, so customers can take advantage of some huge savings!
And check out the fun activities planned for this Saturday, July 14th:
*All Sprouts locations will serve birthday cake and ice cream at noon!
*All locations will have demos and samples of some of your favorite products starting at 10am!
 Come to a local Sprouts Farmers Market location this Saturday, July 14th for the tasty celebration! 
And did you know that Chandler, Arizona is the home to the very first Sprouts Farmers Market that opened 10 years ago in July 2002?

Since then, Sprouts Farmers Market has added 14 additional stores in the Valley and one in Tucson.  Plus this cool company has two more stores opening in Arizona in 2013, at 16th Street and Glendale Avenue in Phoenix and  in Flagstaff. And the big news for us Ahwatukee/Chandler/Maricopa folks, is that the brand new shiny Sprouts store located at 48th Street and Ray Rd. will open on August 22nd at 7am!  I will be there, ready to shop, sample and savor the fine foods that Sprouts Farmers Market has to offer!

Also, since Sprouts merged with Sunflower Farmers Market in May, the thriving company now has 23 stores with the Ahwatukee location marking the 24th store.  And all national Sunflower stores will change to Sprouts by the end of the year. 

Congratulations to Sprouts Farmers Market on your growth!  I wish the company continued success because busy moms like me love having your healthy stores readily available.  Thanks for helping me to feed my kiddos healthy foods!


  1. Hi! Thanks so much for sharing this news on your blog. We’re really excited to celebrate with our Facebook fans. Just to clarify, once you “like” Sprouts on Facebook, you must then visit our 10 Days of Giveaways Sweepstakes tab beneath the cover photo and fill out a super short form to enter. Hope to see and chat with you on the wall, soon!

  2. managedmom says:

    Thank you so much for clarifying, Sprouts! This is such a great promotion and you will definitely see Managedmoms.com on the Sprouts Farmers Market Facebook wall!