Our Reunion With Our Foster Cat Oliver In His Happy Home

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If you have been following my blog, then you may remember that back in February a super sweet kitty cat literally showed up on my front door step.  After doing some neighborhood research, I discovered that he had been left behind a few weeks earlier when a family moved away suddenly.  That broke my heart so our family had him neutered, micro-chipped and immunized and one month later we were able to place him in a warm and loving home!  You can read the original story here.  Several of you have asked me if we have kept up with Oliver the cat and the answer is yes.  oliver in his new homeIn fact, we got to go see him last weekend and it was a happy visit.

Me and my teenager got to cuddle with Oliver in his new home.

Me and my teenager got to cuddle with Oliver in his new home.

And we could see that Mr. Oliver has been getting lots of cuddles from his beloved family that happily accepted our offer to give Ollie a permanent home back in February.  I am so thankful to this wonderful family who give him so much love.  All five family members give Oliver lots of attention and the youngest daughter is especially smitten with him, as he is with her.  
It was such a joy for our family to see Oliver so happy in his home with this amazing family.  Congrats to Ollie!  I thought you would like to see Oliver’s fairy tale happy ending to his quest to find a loving home.  He was sweet to us when he stayed in our home during the foster days, but one of our cats just couldn’t tolerate him.  In his home now, he gets to be king and he gets five humans all to his feline self.  We are grateful and we had a terrific time visiting Oliver and his very cool family!