Cool Tools For Your Kitchen

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Manic:  My budget during the school year last year because we were eating out way too much due to our hectic schedules.

Managed:  My kitchen this year!  I got organized, found some helpful cool tools for my kitchen and have been cooking a lot more, which is healthier for my family and keeps us on our budget.  So since I’ve been cooking a lot more, I thought that sharing some of my go to tools in the kitchen would make a good segment for my morning show and give you some holiday gift ideas for the cooks on your list, too.

And the producers liked my idea so much that they made the opening segment a kitchen gadget game that was fun to play…but I have a blooper that will probably make you laugh or say cheers to me.  When you see me say that I enjoy a bottle of wine, I actually meant to say a glass of wine!  No wonder they were laughing so hard on set!  Take a look and check out the cool kitchen gadgets that I show as well.  And to see where to get all of these cool items, simply click the link below the video that says view on site to go to the KTVK page to see my article that accompanies the video.  Happy cooking 🙂