Does Your Health Insurance Policy Do This? Good To Know Tip!

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Manic:  Opening up four letters (one per family member) from our health insurance provider, Blue Cross Blue Shield, to read the upsetting news that some of our meds will no longer be covered starting on January 1, 2018. Of course, my one super important drug, that I must take daily no matter what for the rest of my life, Synthroid, is on the list.  Of course it is!  Murphy’s law!  Ugh.  Knowing that a lot of people are getting the same (and sadly much worse) health insurance news, I took a deep breath and paused to read the entire letter.

Managed:  I calmly called my insurance carrier, reminding myself that it isn’t the customer service rep’s fault, to discuss the situation.  I knew going in to the conversation, that she would most likely recommend a generic.  I heard her out and she surprised me with some hopeful news.

She told me that I can ask my doctor to call a Blue Cross Blue Shield special authorization phone number to request that my Synthroid prescription stay covered.  I have done very well on this particular med, so I really don’t want to change.  Finding the right dose of the right thyroid medicine can be tricky.  Hormones are tricky. Having done very well on my dose and medicine, changing is not appealing to me.

I decided to blog about this, as I am guessing that many of my readers are receiving (or soon will receive) similar frustrating letters. So I am hoping that this article saves you a little stress knowing that a doctor authorization may be the answer.  Of course, I can only refer to my own policy with Blue Cross Blue Shield, but I would guess, and hope, that other insurance companies have similar options in place.

In any event, good luck out there with our crazy healthcare system.

Be well my friends!


  1. Sometimes if you go to the drug manufacturer too and explain that you don’t have coverage they’ll send discount coupons. We’ve done that with Kevin’s insulin.