Weekly Pet Pic: Humane Society Handsome

This is my favorite picture of Tucker.  I think he is so handsome and he keeps himself well-groomed.  I’m always proud to tell folks that he came from the pound three years ago.  He is one handsome humane society find.  I definitely recommend adopting your next pet from your local humane society. Tucker (named by […]

Weekly Pet Pic: A Cat Cuddle

Our orange cat acts like a puppy sometimes.  Here he is cuddling with one his toys, a little stuffed gingerbread man.  Pretty cute! Have a great weekend and remember to cuddle with your kids and/or pets.  It is a great way to unwind and relieve all the stress from the week. 🙂

Weekly Pet Pic: Our Hockey Cat

Manic:  Our kids’ crazy schedules with school work, church events, hockey, theatre, voice lessons, orthodontist appointments and more! Managed:  Taking time out to relax with our cat, as you see my teenager doing here! With our busy weekend in my son’s hockey playoffs, this picture is the perfect fit for my weekly pet pic.  So […]

Weekly Pet Pic: A Real Pillow Pet

My daughter thinks that my website is cool and wanted to contribute this week.   So after she saw this photo that I took, she suggested that I call this week’s pet pic “A Real Pillow Pet” and so I did!  Those toy Pillow Pets have become all the rage and we do own two ourselves.  […]

Want To Be Healthier? Watch What Your Pets Do!

Before I share my fun pet pics and good health tips, I want to first send out prayers to all of the victims and to the survivors suffering after Japan’s massive earthquake and Tsunami.  This morning I said a prayer and then I made a donation to the Red Cross (www.redcross.org).  On weekends, I post […]

Weekly Pet Pic: My Lazy, but Cute, Watchcat

If an intruder came in, Tucker would simply roll over and go to sleep, but at least it looks like he is keeping a watch for us.  This is my weekly pet pic.  I hope it made you smile because every time I look upstairs and see his cat head poking out through the opening, […]

Weekly Pet Pic: Two Cute

I post a crazy or cute cat picture every weekend because my two funny felines give me good material.  Hard to believe that another week has gone by!  I call this week’s pet pic simply, “two cute” and they are cute, I must say!  They remind me to r-e-l-a-x!  Have a relaxing weekend everyone!

Weekly Pet Pic: Tucker Talks

Stan sleeps and Tucker talks.  I think he said, “have a great weekend everyone and thanks for checking out my Mom’s blog!”  I second that! 🙂

Weekly Pet Pic: If the Sink Fits!

My cat, Tucker has a thing about sinks.  He prefers drinking from a running faucet.  And he will meow for his people to run the water.  In fact he will meow and meow until we get up and turn it on!  And as you can see, he likes to sleep in sinks, too.  So I […]

Crazy Cat Pic of the Week

I hope you all have been enjoying my crazy cat pictures because I have decided to post one a week.  Stanley and Tucker give me such great material, that I have to share.  Plus they help with this: Manic:  Me on most days! Managed:  I see my cats do something crazy or cute and I […]

Yes, my fat cat does yoga!

One of my favorite pictures of our fat cat, Tucker.  I think he was hinting to me that I need to do yoga.   He’s right and he makes me smile and laugh.  We adopted him three years ago from the pound and he has been such a good pet for us, this funny feline of mine!

Fat Cat Sits on Slim Cat!

Just 20 minutes before this picture was taken, I heard my felines fighting with each other.  So I went to check on them and was happy to see that they made up. I wasn’t surprised that they were sitting together, but I was shocked to see that our fat cat, Tucker was happily sitting on […]

My other kids

 I am not only the mother of a teen son and tween daughter, but I also have two boys, of the feline kind.  I highly recommend a pet of some sort because these two fabulous felines love me unconditionally, during my manic and managed moments, even if they do interrupt my not-so-fun laundry chores, as […]