Manic: The beauty product aisles, ads and campaigns! With so much to choose from, how do we streamline our picks to stay on a beauty budget?
Managed: Since we are lucky to have three top beauty experts on our writing team, I decided to ask them what their top picks are when it comes to beauty products and they gave me some terrific and budget-friendly answers! One of the products even sells for only 73 cents! You have to got to see this! Take a look at my KTVK morning show segment to see their beauty product favorites:
About Our Beauty Team of Experts:

Karen Hall has dolled up the likes of Paula Abdul, Faith Hill, Conan and many more world-wide celebs that come to Phoenix to perform or make personal appearances. Karen is called in to make the stars look amazing and many of these celebs end up asking Karen what her own personal secret is because she looks 30 years younger than her age…which she will tell you is over 60! Hard to believe, isn’t it?! Read more about Karen on our team bio page.

Bianca has worked at the Ahwatukee-Foothills Walgreens location, for more than 10 years. She strives in customer service excellence and knows how to make her clients b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! From friendly advice to helpful suggestions, she’s your beauty go-to girl! She has gained the trust of the Ahwatukee community, helping hundreds of men and women truly understand drugstore beauty. Whether it’s a face cream question or a suggestion on a shaver, she’s got something to say and with a smile. Read more about Bianca on our team bio page.