Manic: Thrilled to get invited to a 4th of July party, but don’t know what to bring….and I’m not very talented in the kitchen, but I need some easy and tasty last minute munchie ideas.
Managed: Trying out a couple of easy fun food ideas that my gal pal texted me. Plus I have a super healthy smoothie recipe that the fine folks at the very healthy Pomegranate Cafe gave me last year. So I decided to test these ideas and show in my Channel 3 segment this week, just in time for Independence Day and they came out OK! Take a look…

The fun fruit salad is made with watermelon stars created with a star cookie cutter tool. The fruit flag is simply strawberries, bananas and blueberries thread on to skewers. Easy, tasty, festive and fun!
And how about a healthy and spirited smoothie to start your 4th off right…
Here is the recipe for the Spirit Smoothie:
What You Need:
1 1/2 cups chopped watermelon
1/4 cantaloupe, peeled, seeded & chopped
1/2 cup fresh or frozen strawberries
1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
fresh squeezed orange juice
organic whip cream
fresh blueberries & strawberries for garnish
What You Do:
1. In a blender, combine all the fruits with the orange juice to cover.
2. Blend until smooth.
3. Top with whipped cream and fresh berries for garnish. Serve immediately.
Not only does this smoothie look festive and fun, but it tastes great and is super healthy for you. Pomegranate Cafe’s Cassie Tolman tells me that the strawberries are calming, the berries are high in anti-oxidents and the watermelon is hydrating. Good stuff!
Happy Independence Day everyone!