Stylish Summer Dresses That Flatter Figures

I recently visited fashion expert Heather, owner of The Purple Skirt Boutique in Ahwatukee and Dominque R in Scottsdale and she showed me what to look for in summer dresses that will slim and flatter different figures.  Check out these styles to trim the midsection area appearance, to flatter arms, how to wear a strapless, […]

Undergarments That Work Wonders For Us Gals

Manic:  Finding the right kind of bra, underwear, tank top, cami and more when it comes to wearing what goes underneath for comfort, concealing, enhancing, detracting and more.  When you think about it, undergarments can do a lot of things and make or break a good outfit. Managed:   I interviewed our fashion expert, Heather […]

Flattering Fashions for Women…Plus Cool Kids Clothes, Too

Manic:  Finding fashions for me that flatter and clothes for my kids that are good quality and made by lines that are green and/or give back. Managed:  Did some fashion research for myself plus I found some cool kid clothing that you gotta know about.  First I found some interesting pieces for women like a […]

Spring & Summer Styles That Flatter Your Figure

Manic:  Trying to update and add a few warm weather pieces to my wardrobe, while staying on a budget and finding pieces that are flattering on me to boot. Managed:  Interviewed my favorite fashion expert, Heather Cisek owner of both the Purple Skirt Boutique in Ahwatukee and Dominique R in Scottsdale to get the lowdown […]