Yeah, It’s True What They Say…Don’t Blink!

I did and look what happened….from the first day of Kindergarten 12 years ago to the picture below….this one….the one that happened when I blinked.  Today is my son’s last first day as in his first day of Senior year in high school. I know that he will have a first day of college, but […]

AZ Local: My Kids Prove It-Magical Journey Learning Center is Magical

How magical is this?  All these years later my 6’1 almost 18-year-old son with the man voice and my super busy 13-year-old girl, with a mountain of gal pals and a schedule that doesn’t stop, both jumped at the chance to go back to Kindergarten to help their beloved very first elementary school teacher.  Correct […]

Finally Found Fabulous Facial For My Sensitive Skin

Manic:  My skin!  The skin on my face is so sensitive that one time an aesthetician was doing a facial on me and she had to stop halfway through because my skin was getting so sensitive! Managed:  Finally found a wonderful, relaxing and soothing facial that my skin didn’t react to at all!  So I […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

            What did our winner win?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s lucky winner…. This week’s Freebie […]

Back To School Bargains!

Manic:  It is back to school here already!  My kids start back on August 3rd!  Time for back to school supply shopping and that can be timely and costly! Managed:  Did the legwork for my blog readers and found some great deals including some supplies that only cost 1 cent!  Yes, you read that right…only […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

              What did our winner win?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s lucky winner…. This week’s […]

Sedona in 24 Hours: Our Top Picks In Red Rock Country

Manic:  School starting here on August 3rd!  That doesn’t give us a lot of travel time with such a short summer break, so we decided to take a few quick trips this summer that also kept us on budget since we didn’t spend money on airfare this time around. Managed:  Our first trip was to […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

              What did our winner win?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s lucky winner…. This week’s […]

Parenting 101: Broken Bones Aren’t Always Obvious!

  Manic:  My daughter breaking her arm, which was not supposed to be a part of her summer break plus the fact that this particular injury didn’t present at all as a Mom would expect, which just about threw me off!  Managed:  Listened to that inner voice I call the Mom gut voice and decided […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

            What did our winner win?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s lucky winner…. This week’s Freebie […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

            What did our winner win?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s lucky winner…. This week’s Freebie […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

            What did our winner win?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s lucky winner…. This week’s Freebie […]

Beauty Blast From The Past: 80s Faves That Are Still Around

When my morning show producers asked me to be part of their tubular 80s themed show, we all thought it would be fun if I brought in some beauty products that have stood the test of time.  So check this out because you might be pleasantly surprised to see that you can still get some […]

Still Love My Fitbit…But Be Warned About Recall

Several weeks ago I wrote about how I am addicted to my Fitbit and how much I love it.  I reviewed how it works and how I use the app as well to track my steps, nutrition and more.  You can read that article here if you missed it.  So I still love my Fitbit […]

Took My Teen To First College Visit & I Recommend Doing This!

Manic:  The fact that our first born will turn 18 on his next birthday and that his very last year of high school starts in early August.  Is it really already time for him to apply to college?!  Where do we start?  It all feels overwhelming for sure! Managed:  Took a deep breath and asked […]