Your Top Read Managedmoms Articles & Happy 2nd Anniversary!

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managedmoms_2checksTo celebrate my website’s 2nd anniversary and to welcome our recent subscribers, I have decided to share a few of our reader’s favorite posts that have appeared in the last two years.  Take a look to see if there is a home decor idea, tasty recipe, beauty piece or something else that you missed.  And a huge thank you to my talented team of writers who give me great content!  And I must thank all of you….my wonderful readers….for keeping this little blog alive with your clicks in to read the pieces, your subscriptions, your comments and support!  This is truly my labor of love and I thank you for all of the nice compliments that you have shared with me about how my website has helped you with tips and more.  As I dive into year #3, I also want to thank our many new subscribers who have signed up in the last few months.  And I can’t forget my top sponsor, Toe Juice and my new sponsor, Arnicare by Boiron!  Thank you to all of you!!!

Tomorrow I will share with you my personal faves from the past two years, but today let’s look at your top picks, based on our readership numbers.  Now here are the top read articles from our first two years.  Click the title to see the article..

#1 Most Read Article….Fab Fake Eyelash Tips from Celebrity Makeup Artist Karen Hall


#2 …My Sister’s In Law’s New Mexico Homemade Green Chile Sauce & Smothered Burrito Recipe 

inside cookbook

#3…Bridget’s Design On A Dime Zebra Bedroom Decor 

#4…Character Counts for Kids:  Give It to Get It 

respect_-_give_it_get_it (2)

#5…Alternative Treatments Instead of Cortisone Shots for Plantar Fasciitis

water bottle

#6…All About Allergy Skin Testing

Arm right after appointment

#7…Fun At Home Budget Friendly Spring Break Ideas

First I made them some chocolate fondue that was a hit with the girls.  And pour of a little of this chocolate over ice cream and we discovered it hardens like an ice cream bar.  Fun! #8….My Plantar Fasciitis Alternative Treatment Results


# 9…The Classic How To Head Band Tips

smooth out

And one last big thank you, to my buddy who first suggested that I create a website, one of my favorite gal pals in the world (and the creator of the official t-shirt)….Jill Howard Allen.  ElizabethLangfordPhotography-ManagedMomsLaunchMarch 03, 201181964

You were right, Jill….so far this is working and I love it!  Cheers!

What were your favorite articles?  I would love to know!  Tell us in the comments section!!