How Sun Savvy Are You? Take This Quiz To See!

Manic:  Making sure that my family applies sunscreen each time they leave to swim, play golf and more here in our hot and powerful Arizona sun. Managed:  According to the Arizona Department of Health Services, Arizona ranks #2 in the world for skin cancer rates, so we can’t be too careful living here especially.  So […]

My Final & Favorite Baby Products Review Cuz These Are Invented By Parents!

My final baby product segment, that I reviewed for our cohost Kyle who is expecting, is my favorite one of all that I did on the KTVK “Your Life A to Z” morning show because these products were invented by parents.  So this stuff really works. Need a baby shower gift?  Are you expecting?  You […]

Celebrity Baby Product Favorites

Progressing through my baby week theme on the KTVK “Your Life A to Z” morning show, I showed some cool stuff for babies that are all the rage with the stars in Hollywood and in New York.  The stroller that does it all, customized baby bonnets instead of the unisex cap the hospital gives you […]

How To Swaddle A Baby The Easy Way

Check out this cool tool out that makes swaddling a newborn baby simple!  I love that this handy blanket was invented by a Dad, too.  Go Dad.

My Gal Pals’ Most Recommended Baby Products

I had a blast doing three baby product segments this week to celebrate and help to prepare our cohost, Kyle who is expecting a baby girl in September.  I am so excited for her!  She is going to be a manic managed mom like me soon!  Today’s segment is a list of baby products that […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

Who is our Freebie Friday winner today? What did our winner win?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s lucky winner…. This week’s […]

AZ Local: A Mixed Wet n’ Wild Review Written By My Tween & Me

***Be sure to read the comments below to see additional information about Wet n Wild that we didn’t know about.  Thanks Kim!*** We love when readers leave feedback! Manic:  Keeping tweens entertained and active during the very hot dog days of summer here in Phoenix. Managed:  Letting my daughter choose and plan a day.  She […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

Who is our Freebie Friday winner today? What did our winner win?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s lucky winner…. This week’s […]

Happy Update: My Foster Cat Oliver Finds Good Home!

For those of you that have followed the story of the sweet cat, Oliver that I fostered, he once again has found a good home. I want to thank so many of you that asked about him and sent your well wishes and prayers that his human family that had to give him up would […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

Who is our Freebie Friday winner today? What did our winner win?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s lucky winner…. This week’s […]

This Month’s Ten Under $10 Drug Store Beauty Finds

Some are brand new to store shelves, some are seasonal so get them now and some are even loved by the Royal family in London…and all are under $10 to keep you on your beauty budget!  Walgreens beauty expert, Bianca gave me her picks for June and these are good ones, so take a look….

Freebie Friday Winner!

Who is our Freebie Friday winner today? What did our winner win?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s lucky winner…. This week’s […]

Why My Dad Is So Cool & Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Fathers’ Day out there and to those of you that are missing your father on this day, know that he truly lives on in you.  I am always struck by how I can see a person’s parent in their eyes or mannerisms.  So on this day, my heart goes out to those of you. […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

Who is our Freebie Friday winner today? What did our winner win?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s lucky winner…. This week’s […]

Staycation/Vacation Reviews of Hotel Palomar, Ritz & Hyatt Regency Gainey Ranch Resort in Scottsdale

One cool thing I do for this blog is review hotels and resorts.  So a few months ago, I booked a mother-daughter getaway and we tried out three different properties in one fun filled weekend.  Our big splurge was the Ritz Carlton, then we headed over to the new Hotel Palomar in downtown Phoenix and we ended our […]