If you saw my segment today on the 3TV Your Life Arizona morning show and want the notes, here they are. If you missed the segment, here it is…The produce rinse recipe tip comes from my mom and it works well. To clean your fruits and veggies simply combine one part of distilled white vinegar with three parts water. Then soak your produce in this mixture for 10 minutes. For example, to soak a bag of bell peppers, I used 1/4 cup of the distilled white vinegar combined with 3/4 cups of water. It’s that simple and you won’t believe this…your food does not taste like vinegar when it is done soaking. I soaked a bowl of chopped cantaloupe for my daughter and she was pleasantly surprised that there was zero vinegar taste.

I bought this brand but any brand of distilled white vinegar will work. These days I buy whichever brand I can find since it seems like quantities of everything are limited.
With the continued social distancing in place, our home routine has been to have most of our groceries delivered. Then we immediately do the white vinegar rinse, put the clean fruit and veggies in storage dishes or baggies so that our healthy snacks are in easy reach and ready to consume.
I also showed our go-to kitchen organization tip in my morning show segment. The helpful All Out Of Pad I showed in the segment is sold here at Amazon. I swear by it but of course you can save money and use a plain pad that you already have on hand. I recommend using a magnet to put on the fridge for your family to easily check off what’s needed as you navigate how and when to restock.
The pad I buy from Amazon comes with a handy magnet on the back.
What are your helpful hints as you continue to try to get through this difficult time day by day? Share in the comments section below as we are all in this together. Keep hanging in there. It is tough. Sending all a big virtual hug.