Oh Boy Do I Get It Now! Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday Mom!  April 26th!  It is your special day.  And I need to tell you something!  And that something is…. Oh boy do I get it now! With my firstborn about to graduate high school and my baby girl starting high school, I am reminded of how fast time flies and how this magic […]

Money Saving & Green Graduation Celebration Ideas

For those of you with graduating seniors, I wrote this and did this 3TV segment in 2016 with tips and ideas to have the perfect grad party.  Ours went very well!  Take a look and happy grad party planning.  Also a big congrats to the parents, too.  A bittersweet time for sure! Manic:  Graduation season […]

A Letter To My Soon To Be High School Graduate

Dear son, Forgive me for my strangeness during your senior year, especially during this last action packed, emotionally charged phase. 30 days from today, you, my 6’1 baby boy, will take the nicely pressed gown off the hanger and grab the matching blue cap and head to high school for one last time. I teared […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

            Life has been manic so the only posts I am getting to right now is my Freebie Friday posts, but I make sure to do those because I really appreciate all of my subscribers who follow the blog!  Once I get on the other side of graduation season (my […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

            Who is today’s winner??  So what did our winner win?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s […]

Tips To Find Spring Fashions That Flatter Figures

Manic:  Spring fashions that are fabulous and comfortable and trendy, too.  But which ones can we older women wear and how do we choose the most flattering styles? Managed:  Fashion expert, professional stylist, buyer and boutique owner (she does it all), Heather gave me a lesson in flattering pieces, fashion lingo to know and what […]

New Hardwood Floors Makes Our Home Feel New Again!

Manic:  Trying to keep our 11-year-old carpets clean and looking nice in a busy home that houses two teenagers and four cats! Managed:  Decided to have 99% of the carpet removed so that real hardwood floors could be installed. The result?  Wow!  What a difference new flooring makes.  The house looks and feels like a […]

Moms: Senior Year is the Worst…In a Good Way!

Moms (and dads) of teens.  This is written for moms, but I sure have seen my fair share of emotional papas who find senior year to be bittersweet on their hearts, too.  Read this or bookmark this to read before or during your child’s senior year in high school. It just may be therapeutic for […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

            Who is today’s winner??  So what did our winner win?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s […]

What’s Hot in Spring Drug Store Beauty Products

As seen in my KTVK “Your Life A to Z” segment that aired today… Spring has sprung and so have a bunch of new beauty products on the drug store beauty aisles.  Here is what’s hot for spring beauty… For Hair: First of all don’t miss this great bargain on hair products for spring.  Through […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

            Who is today’s winner??  So what did our winner win?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

              Who is today’s winner??  So what did our winner win?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this […]

Our One Big Change & One Small One for Allergy Relief!

Allergy season has arrived!  Ah choo….watery eyes, scratchy throat…ugh!  No fun!  So our family tried two remedies, one giant one and one small daily change (a drink recipe) and both have made a difference.  I have actually been off Claritin for three months now!  Check out these ideas out that I showed in my recent […]

Tackling the Zika Virus: What Moms Should Know

On Sunday, I looked out my bedroom window and saw a huge mosquito.  I was so relieved that it was on the outside of the window.  Even here in Phoenix with our sunny dry desert climate, we still get those pesky little pistols that seem to find me and my daughter especially tasty.  I immediately […]

Family Wellness Ideas That Have Been Working For Us!

From my KTVK Channel 3 segment on the “Your Life A to Z” show that aired today…. The main reason I blog is to share ideas on how to make our manic lives a bit more managed and when I find natural remedies that work, I get really excited and I can’t wait to share […]