Manic: The sheer number of miles and wear and tear I put on my car with the never-ending rides my kids need to school, practice, rehearsal, appointments, games and more. Managed: In just 4 days, my first-born gets his driver’s permit. Then in November, he will have his driver’s license. I have to admit that I […]
Freebie Friday Winner!
Who is our Freebie Friday winner today? What did our winner win? Keep on reading!! And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware, jewelry and more! Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s lucky winner…. This […]
Bugged By Bugs? What To Do About Our Desert Pests
Manic: The number of Facebook posts that I noticed the last few weeks that talked about the unwelcome visitors that have arrived with the Spring season. It seems like everyday I’m reading about scorpion sightings, worries about bee stings, black widows and more. Speaking of those three pests, in the 8 years that we have […]
Weird Fortune in Cookie Came True
This is what my fortune in my cookie said that I opened two weeks ago….I thought that was so strange so I took a picture of it. And sure enough, I did sort of have an alien appear to me in the form of a computer hacker. This rude person caused me some inconvenience, but […]
A Pretty Mother’s Day Gift Idea & Special Discount!
One advantage of having a blog like this one is that companies reach out to me and offer my readers and subscribers special discounts and this one is just in time for Mother’s Day. Check out the limited edition Pop Love I Necklace from k2o by Karen Ko and get a 10% discount off your entire order. […]
Spring & Summer Styles That Flatter Your Figure
Manic: Trying to update and add a few warm weather pieces to my wardrobe, while staying on a budget and finding pieces that are flattering on me to boot. Managed: Interviewed my favorite fashion expert, Heather Cisek owner of both the Purple Skirt Boutique in Ahwatukee and Dominique R in Scottsdale to get the lowdown […]
Freebie Friday Winner
Who is our Freebie Friday winner today? What did our winner win? Keep on reading!! And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware, jewelry and more! Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s lucky winner…. This […]
In Honor Of My Brother, I Share This Story
My baby brother has been gone for 11 years now, but I think of him every single day. He is one of the first things I remember when I wake in the morning. I remember that he is no longer physically with us since that dreaded day in 2002 when I got the call that […]
Earth Day 202 Magazine Article: Best Green Products For Moms
Happy Earth Day! Celebrate today by striving to be green today and all year long. For my monthly column in 202 Magazine, I decided to share my favorite family products that are earth friendly. Take a look at my monthly column in this month’s issue of 202 Magazine to see the stuff that is perfect […]
Discussing Boston With Kids Of All Ages With Timely Advice From My Childhood Hero
Since I started this blog, I have taken a day out several times now to share advice about how to talk to children during a crisis. Sadly, this seems to be happening a lot. In the two years that I’ve had, I wrote about discussing the Tucson shooting with the kids, the Colorado movie […]
Freebie Friday Winner!
Who is our Freebie Friday winner today? What did our winner win? Keep on reading!! And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware, jewelry and more! Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s lucky winner…. This […]
Go Green Fab Fashions & Products To Celebrate Earth Day 2013
Manic: Me with my family when they fail to put recyclable items in the recycling bin! Just ask them and they will tell you that I’m an unhappy Mama when they don’t practice green behavior. Managed: In honor of Earth Day, that is this Monday, and to remind my family the importance of being earth-friendly […]
Readers Recipe Contest Winners Announced!
First of all, I want to thank everyone who submitted recipes. It was fun for me to make your recipes and my family enjoyed taste testing. If you didn’t submit a recipe, keep reading because the amazing recipes are below for you to check out, print out and prepare and they were all good! And […]
Weekly Pet Pic: Meet Arthur Pricklepants
This week’s pet pic features a little cutie named Arthur Pricklepants. subscriber, Chris and girl friend were excited to share their proud pictures of him, who I’m told, is very spoiled with love and attention. He sure is cute! Here he is celebrating Easter a few weeks back…. And here he is playing hide […]
Freebie Friday Winner!
Who is our Freebie Friday winner today? What did our winner win? Keep on reading!! And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware, jewelry and more! Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this week’s lucky winner…. This […]