Thanks to all who entered for a chance to win this week’s Freebie Friday drawing! Cool prizes to keep you cool in the hot summer days that are still left in the season are going to the winner this week! The prizes include… This beautiful beach bag Montauk Tote that says […]
Beach Dreams Stuff Giveaway Drawing
For most of us, school is back in session or summer is over. But that doesn’t mean we can’t daydream about our next beach trip! And with Fall Break coming before you know it, today’s prize items will be perfect for your next beach day or day at the pool. This week’s winner gets these […]
Our Creepy & Surprisingly Simple Scorpion Sting Story!
Manic: Enjoying a dinner out with my husband and a phone call comes in from our teenage daughter telling us that she just got stung by a scorpion! Managed: Thankfully our response, awesome advice from my wonderful mom-in-law and how well our girl took matters into her own hands and took care of the aftermath. Read on […]
Freebie Friday Winner!
The entries are in! Thanks to the many of you who emailed your entry in for this week’s Freebie Friday prize! The prize is a surprise one this week with a mystery beauty bag that we showed on Monday. It looked like this… But then we added more stuff, so a bigger bag was needed! […]
For Parents: Senior Year Is Hard On Your Heart In The Best Way
I can’t believe this is here for me once again. One final time. My daughter, my last one, the baby of the family picked up her schedule today. She starts back to school next week and she is now officially a senior in high school. Cue the tears, some sad, many joyful and some that […]
AZ To DC On A Train: Our Amtrak Family Travel Adventure!
Manic: Considering traveling from Tucson, Arizona all the way to Washington DC. By train. With six of us traveling together. Hubs, myself, our college guy, our teenage girl and my husband’s dear parents. Was this idea manic or managed? Managed: We did it on Amtrak and my answer, our experience and a few train travel tips are […]
Dorm-Bound Kid? My Bittersweet Memory & Encouraging Words
Can’t believe this short and sweet…or shall I say bittersweet…video below was shot two years ago! That went by fast! For those pensive parents about to move a beloved kid out of their familiar and loving home into a new and unfamiliar dorm room, this sweet memory of mine is for you. I made this […]
Smart Summertime Solutions for All Kinds of Situations
As seen in my 3TV Your Life Arizona morning show segment… Manic: The manic stuff that comes with summertime. Damaged hair from chlorine. Frizzy hair when visiting a humid climate. Sunburn. Dry heels. Finding lots of dead critters in the bottom of your pool (always makes me sad & I hate scooping it out if no one […]
Antibiotic Resistant Ear Infection That Landed My Teen In Hospital
If your kid has ear pain, get it checked out right away. Parents, read our story. We did everything right and our teen’s ear infection still turned into a 3-day emergency hospital stay. Even with our quick & thorough actions, our 16-year-old girl still had to be admitted to Phoenix Children’s Hospital (PCH) for an […]
Why Moving Cars In My Jammies This Morning Filled My Heart
Three different times this morning, I ran out in my nightgown (don’t judge…I did throw a cardigan on!) to move cars. This made my heart and my face smile because these cars belong to my daughter’s pals. The cars were all there because four friends found one common night that they could stay together. At […]
Beauty Box & More Drawing Winner!
Thanks to all who entered this drawing! Today’s winner gets a pretty wine themed candle holder, a nail polish set and one of my favorite homeopathic remedies that relieves pain and reduces bruising. Winner is listed below! She won these awesome items… One of my favorite products, Boiron Arnicare Cream, is a soothing, unscented homeopathic […]
Beauty Box Giveaway Drawing!
It is Freebie Friday today, so that means that we are a doing a drawing for a fab beauty box giveaway! Many of the items in this week’s prize box are travel-sized, which is perfect for your summer travels. Also included is a pretty wine themed candle holder, a nail polish set and one of […]
Hotel Review in Santa Monica: The Viceroy Hotel
Unique boutique hotel, The Viceroy in Santa Monica, California had me curious. Last time we stayed in Santa Monica, we totally indulged and spent way too much money at the lovely Shutters on the Beach resort hotel. That blog post coming soon. We absolutely loved it, but with one in college now and one headed there […]
My Favorite Survival Tool Tip For Parenting Teens
LA here we come. My teen girl and I are headed to LA once again to check out potential colleges. She will go off to college in just two short years. Those years will be short…and we will have some long days. Long and challenging days are gonna happen when raising teens who are straddling […]
Dad’s Day Gift Giveaway Winner!!
Thanks to all who entered the drawing for the Dad’s Day! Father’s Day is coming right up on next Sunday, June 17th and our prizes are fun…Included in the prize pack is the sweet sign (that can be hung or stood upright) that says, “i know a HERO ******i call him DADDY” along with the […]