I wrote this article two years ago when my son was studying for the ACT and SAT. He took both and did very well and he told me about two helpful study apps that prepared him. Since many of my readers have teenagers, I am running this again. The links to each study guide are […]
Movable Cool Closet Organization System
I may be just a little bit jealous of my teen daughter because she got a closet makeover and now I want one! When she asked for a new closet for her birthday, we liked that idea because she works hard in school and aims to be organized. Since she is on the right track […]
Helpful Home Decor Idea: Dress Up Cabinets
Just when we think we are done with home improvements, we think of another project that was small, but definitely made a significant difference. In fact, this is something that I had wanted to do before, but simply forgot about through the years. We have lived in our home for 12 years and once the […]
My Experience With Less Invasive Pinhole Gum Grafting Surgery
Wow…I must start this article out by saying that I had a good experience with pinhole gum grafting and you can read on to see how smoothly my surgery went for the most part. BUT so many comments that have been left with this article are from readers who said that they did not have […]
Freebie Friday Winner!
So, who is today’s winner?? What did our winner win? Keep on reading!! And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware, jewelry and more! Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce […]
Soup Season! Pleasing Potato Leek Soup Recipe
Lucky for me, it is soup season to nurture us during winter’s chilly temps. And this is lucky for me since I have to eat soft foods as I recover from my gum surgery. So I asked a few pals for their soup recipes. I plan to share several here on my blog, starting with […]
The Art of Patience
As I write this, with a swollen jaw from gum surgery three days ago, I feel compelled to discuss the art of patience. Patience. Easier said than done. Truly. My lesson in patience has been this holiday season. And this week, too. But I will start with last month. It was hectic as usual, but […]
Happy New Year To My Blog Readers!
It is almost that time…Happy New Year! I can’t tell you how much I truly appreciate your support and the time you take to follow my humble little blog! I like to think of this space as a resource, a place to share manic managed mom tidbits, a place for flavor with recipes and […]
Jack’s Graduation Video: A Look Back at my Favorite Part of 2016
For my faraway family and pals, our holiday letter says that if folks want to see my labor of love, the gratitude life video that I put together for Jack’s graduation back in May, check my blog. So here it is for those looking for it. I have been told to warn that some may […]
College Check-In & My Son’s Play by Play Announcing!
Back in August I was blogging quite a bit about my son going off to college. Five months later, I am happy to report that his first semester was a success! His adjustment period was short and he was off and running faster than I expected, a wonderful and pleasant surprise. I am sure it […]
Holiday Hodgepodge Gift Set Winner!
To round out our week of drawings for holiday gift giveaways, we called the last one a holiday hodgepodge of cool stuff! That is because our winner gets a very cool set of nice NFL Holiday LED Lights of six Seattle Seahawk Ornaments! Also in the prize bag is a pretty bling design hand warmers […]
Last Giveaway Today: Holiday Hodgepodge of Stuff!
Happy last day of our weekly holiday giveaway! If you are the drawn winner (drawing done through random.org) then you can keep these cool prizes for yourself or give as gifts and get more peeps checked off your list! We round out the week with several cool gifts that make today’s prize a holiday hodgepodge […]
Teacher Gift Idea: Daily Drawing Day Two
Welcome to Day 2 of our daily giveaway drawings! Today is a chance to win a prize that is great for a teacher gift. Also be sure when entering the drawing, that you let me know which prize you want to be in the drawing for since we are doing a daily drawing with different […]