Are you falling for fall like I am? I am loving the cooler temps and I can’t get enough of pumpkin everything. Pumpkin lattes, pumpkin donuts, pumpkin seeds. I love all of it! So to celebrate the arrival of fall, this week’s giveaway drawing is a fun and flavorful box of some festive and tasty […]
Sun Basket Is Best Recipe Delivery Kit Hands Down
Sun Basket is the best meal delivery kit out there hands down! The money I spend on Sun Basket is one of my smartest and healthiest weekly purchases. I have tested quite a few of them now including Blue Apron, Plated, Terra’s Kitchen, Purple Carrot and others and over a year later, Sun Basket gets […]
3 Great Lessons & Don’t Forget To Tell Loved Ones
I think I told her. I hope I did. I am unsure. I think she knew. I hope she did. I am pretty sure she did. I say all of this because one of my best friends from my youth told me a few days ago that her mother passed away. This wonderful mother of […]
Mystery Prize Bag Giveaway Drawing!
To start off the week, let’s do a drawing for our Freebie Friday prize, but this time the prize is a big mystery bag packed with all kinds of cool stuff! Items will include some beauty items, some home and garden items, jewelry, games/kids’ stuff and all kinds of fun surprise stuff! Keep what you […]
Guest Post: Ways To Help Your Teen Embrace Healthy Lifestyle
Manic: When your little kids turn into teens and suddenly you can’t control or police how healthy they choose to be every day, especially when they start driving. Managed: I have lived this twice now and it is one of the things I worry about. The nutrition my kids are taking in..or NOT taking in..since they are […]
Marvelous Movie Book Club Winner!
Thanks for the all the entries for this fun giveaway drawing that can also be given as a holiday gift! Today our winner receives a free Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital movie of the awesome film, Book Club starring Diane Keaton, Jane Fonda, Candice Bergen and Mary Steenburgen! Our winner also gets popcorn and Red Vines. […]
Marvelous Movie Night Book Club Film Giveaway Drawing
This is a fun giveaway drawing that can also be given as a holiday gift! Who loves having gal pals over to sip wine and watch movies? I sure do. So, when I received an offer to receive a free Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital movie to give away on my blog, I was interested. […]
Big Thumbs Down to thredUP Online Consignment Site
thredUP…an online clothing consignment site with a big colorful logo. Had me intrigued, so I signed up, filled a big thredUP bag with a bunch of my gently used clothing and sent it in. How did it go? Not well. Huge disappointment with lots of issues. I test companies, services, hotels and more for my […]
Super Helpful SAT & ACT Phone App Study Guides
Here we go again. I have a high school junior again and that means it is ACT and SAT prep time. Class of 2020 parents, the time is now. Stressful, I know. I have two super cool phone apps SAT/ACT study guides that my son found to be very helpful in 2015 when he was […]
On His Final Flight, We Arizonans Pause To Mourn & Give Thanks
I am not a political person by nature. I vote on the issues and not by party. But there is one person that I always voted for. Every time. Today as I was driving soup over to my ill friend, I listened to the coverage on my car radio of the departure of the plane […]
Going Green: Why I Drink My Water Out Of A Box
Manic: Trying to be as earth-friendly as I can, even though, like most of us, I am on the go. A lot! Managed: Found a way to let go of our convenient, but not earth-friendly, water bottle-by-the-bunches habit by switching to something kind of cool that I eyed in a Nekter store one day. Boxed Water. Yep […]