Fall Flavors Giveaway Drawing!

Are you falling for fall like I am?  I am loving the cooler temps and I can’t get enough of pumpkin everything.  Pumpkin lattes, pumpkin donuts, pumpkin seeds. I love all of it!  So to celebrate the arrival of fall, this week’s giveaway drawing is a fun and flavorful box of some festive and tasty […]

Orange You Glad It’s Pumpkin Season!

As seen in my 3TV Your Life Arizona morning show segment today.  Orange you glad it’s pumpkin season!  October has rolled around again and with that comes everything pumpkin!  So, I decided to do a fun and festive segment on my morning show with everything pumpkin for the pumpkin lovers, for the pumpkin décor lovers […]

Sun Basket Is Best Recipe Delivery Kit Hands Down

Sun Basket is the best meal delivery kit out there hands down!  The money I spend on Sun Basket is one of my smartest and healthiest weekly purchases.  I have tested quite a few of them now including Blue Apron, Plated, Terra’s Kitchen, Purple Carrot and others and over a year later, Sun Basket gets […]

3 Great Lessons & Don’t Forget To Tell Loved Ones

I think I told her.  I hope I did.  I am unsure.  I think she knew.  I hope she did.  I am pretty sure she did.  I say all of this because one of my best friends from my youth told me a few days ago that her mother passed away.  This wonderful mother of […]

Mystery Prize Bag Giveaway Drawing!

To start off the week, let’s do a drawing for our Freebie Friday prize, but this time the prize is a big mystery bag packed with all kinds of cool stuff!  Items will include some beauty items, some home and garden items, jewelry, games/kids’ stuff and all kinds of fun surprise stuff!  Keep what you […]

Guest Post: Ways To Help Your Teen Embrace Healthy Lifestyle

Manic:  When your little kids turn into teens and suddenly you can’t control or police how healthy they choose to be every day, especially when they start driving. Managed: I have lived this twice now and it is one of the things I worry about.  The nutrition my kids are taking in..or NOT taking in..since they are […]

Marvelous Movie Book Club Winner!

Thanks for the all the entries for this fun giveaway drawing that can also be given as a holiday gift!  Today our winner receives a free Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital movie of the awesome film, Book Club starring Diane Keaton, Jane Fonda, Candice Bergen and Mary Steenburgen!  Our winner also gets popcorn and Red Vines.  […]

Marvelous Movie Night Book Club Film Giveaway Drawing

This is a fun giveaway drawing that can also be given as a holiday gift!  Who loves having gal pals over to sip wine and watch movies?  I sure do.  So, when I received an offer to receive a free Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital movie to give away on my blog, I was interested.  […]

Big Thumbs Down to thredUP Online Consignment Site

thredUP…an online clothing consignment site with a big colorful logo.  Had me intrigued, so I signed up, filled a big thredUP bag with a bunch of my gently used clothing and sent it in.  How did it go? Not well. Huge disappointment with lots of issues.  I test companies, services, hotels and more for my […]

Big Box of KIND Bars & Snacks Winner!

Thanks to all who entered this week’s yummy prize giveaway drawing!  When I asked KIND if they would be KIND enough to do a giveaway with my blog and they said yes…I shouted yes! I love the KIND brand for all sorts of reasons!  First of all, the snack and protein bars are tasty and not […]

Super Helpful SAT & ACT Phone App Study Guides

Here we go again.  I have a high school junior again and that means it is ACT and SAT prep time.  Class of 2020 parents, the time is now.  Stressful, I know.  I have two super cool phone apps SAT/ACT study guides that my son found to be very helpful in 2015 when he was […]

Enter To Win A Box Of Yummy KIND Bar Goodies!

This may be one of my favorite giveaway drawings yet!  Like KIND bars?  I do and I love this cool picture from the KIND website. I love the KIND brand for all sorts of reasons!  First of all, the snack and protein bars are tasty and not pasty.  Secondly, KIND bars are made with ingredients […]

Healthy Back To School Food For Thought Ideas

As seen in my 3TV segment on the KTVK morning show, Your Life Arizona, here is what I showed along with some ideas on creative better foods for the lunch box, after school snacks and more.  As the mother of two juniors now (one in high school and one in college), I have a lot […]

On His Final Flight, We Arizonans Pause To Mourn & Give Thanks

I am not a political person by nature.  I vote on the issues and not by party.  But there is one person that I always voted for.  Every time.  Today as I was driving soup over to my ill friend, I listened to the coverage on my car radio of the departure of the plane […]

Going Green: Why I Drink My Water Out Of A Box

Manic: Trying to be as earth-friendly as I can, even though, like most of us, I am on the go.  A lot! Managed:  Found a way to let go of our convenient, but not earth-friendly, water bottle-by-the-bunches habit by switching to something kind of cool that I eyed in a Nekter store one day. Boxed Water.  Yep […]