Free & Next To Nothing Get Fit Motivators!

Manic:  My nonexistent fitness plan and winter eating…too little fitness and too many calories during the winter months! Managed:  My increased level of exercise and decreased number of calories over the last two weeks.  This is when I really dug in and got serious about getting ready for shorts season.  But this time, I didn’t […]

Weekly Pet Pics: Tortoise Times Two Equals Double The Love

This week’s pet pics come from subscriber, Bridget who surprised her girls with two tortoise friends.  This surprise was especially touching because their sweet dog, Zack had passed away from Valley Fever a few weeks earlier. The girls immediately fell in love with their new pets and named the girl, Tukee and the boy […]

AZ Local: New Phoenix Premium Outlets Review

Manic:  My kids wardrobe because they outgrow their clothes faster than I can buy them new pieces and I need to stay on a budget! Managed:  Welcoming our new team writer, Julie Ellis who wrote an article for us about the new Phoenix Premium Outlet shops that just opened up in Chandler.  She took […]

Freebie Friday Winner

Who is our Freebie Friday winner today? What did our winner win?  What is next week’s cool prize?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff!  Now, let’s announce […]

April’s Ten Under $10 Drug Store Beauty Products

Manic:  Me in parts of this segment!  I do my KTVK segments every week and this week, it went well for the most part, but I did make two mistakes, which I don’t like to do!  So when you are watching, please note that the Skintimate is a lotionized shaving gel, not a lotion and […]

Be Inspired By This Mom Who Beat Cancer & Stays Positive

One of our new subscribers (welcome Heather!) asked if she could share her story of hope and human spirit.  After she told me about her frightening diagnosis and journey to good health, all while being in the hard working days of raising an infant, I was moved and thanked her for wanting to share her […]

Green & Clean: How To Dispose Of Those Spring Cleaning Items & Make Money, Too

Manic:  Me this Spring as my family and  l dove into Spring cleaning like we’ve never done before.  Managed  Figuring out what to do with all of the clutter we cleaned out like an old computer, clothing, piles of hangers, old furniture and more that would be earth-friendly and profitable, too.  We discovered a lot […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

Who is our Freebie Friday winner today? What did our winner win?  What is next week’s cool prize?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff!  Now, let’s announce […]

Perfect Attendance Incentive Makes Me Mad

Manic:  My 11-year old daughter all year long, making sure that she didn’t miss one day of school…until today when the school called me to come and get her because she picked up the stomach flu! Managed:  Assuring her that even though she would no longer be able to go for the recognition and the […]

Travel: Disney Cruise Review-Is It Worth The Hype?

Our very talented writer, Lisa Walton took a Disney cruise with her family and lucky for us, she wrote a review, complete with great pictures!  So if you are considering a Disney cruise for your family vacation plans, Lisa tells us if she thinks it is worth it and worth the hype… Lisa says: […]

The Gift Of An Ordinary Day

Manic:  Motherhood! Managed:  Seeing this wonderful video on Facebook today and knowing that I had to share this with all of you.  Check this out and remember to absolutely cherish the gift of ordinary days with those challenging and amazing gifts we call our children….   I think this Mom put together an amazing message and […]

This Weeks Pet Pic Melts My Heart: Meet One Eyed Willy

Meet One Eyed Willy…. My friend, Jamie fosters cats and has been doing so for a while now (she is a very special woman indeed). She is experienced, compassionate and her supportive family have kept some of the felines that they have friended, while finding great homes for the other special cats that they have […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

Who is our Freebie Friday winner today? What did our winner win?  What is next week’s cool prize?  Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff!  Now, let’s announce […]

Spring Cleaning Closet Clutter Remedies

Manic:  My master bedroom closet!  It had gotten way out of hand….I could have been on the Hoarder’s show, I’m embarrassed to tell you!  Managed:  Got it together and did something that I’ve never done before…I hired a professional organizer and having her come over was a wonderful experience because I learned a lot and […]

Spring Into Spring, Try Something New: My March 202 Mag Article

Spring is in the air and I like it!  So for the March issue of our local 202 Inspiration in the East Valley Magazine, I was excited to write an article about trying new things, which is good for the brain.  To kick this off, I tried several new experiences in the last few months […]