A Plantar Fascittis Guide

Whenever I blog about my own medical experiences, I always get a good response from my readers, so when I received an opportunity to share this information about dealing with the frustrating plantar fasciitis foot condition, I was happy to do it.  I suffered from this painful ailment a few years ago and by following […]

Cool Back To School Giveaway Winner!!!

A big thanks to all who entered our drawing for the cool back to school functional and fun giveaway!  It is hard to believe that a new school year is already upon us!  We Arizona folk go back either now or in the next few weeks!  So to kick-off the start of another school year, […]

Functional & Fun Back To School Giveaway!

Hard to believe but some of our friends had their first day of school today!  Lucky for us, it isn’t my kids’ first day back yet, but the Chandler schools went back today.  Happy new school year to them!  My daughter starts back on August 7th and my son resumes his studies at ASU on […]

Living 15 Again…There’s Something Special About 15

Here we go again.  My second born is at that age, 15 1/2 and everything is changing so quickly now.  I remember this time with my son. Getting a driver’s permit and actually enjoying  the time spent teaching him to drive (except for a few white knuckle moments) and knowing that on his 16th birthday, […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

            So, who is today’s Freebie Friday winner??  What did our winner win? Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce […]

Nana Joes Granola Perfect For My Fab 50s Lifestyle Change!

Manic:  Me thinking about turning 50 next month!  Managed:  With this milestone birthday on the horizon, I have decided to try to mostly eat plant based foods.  I am not going 100% vegan, but I am striving for 85% to be realistic with my lifestyle.  Plus, eating this way helps our bodies, earth’s animals and […]

Teen Driver-To-Be? Institute for Drivers Safety A Must

Do you have a teen driver-to-be?  I do.  Again.  Already.  It is my second time around to teach one of my babies how to drive as child #2 edges even closer to the edge of the nest.  There is my girl behind the wheel.  Here we go again and boy, she can’t wait to go, […]

Fab 4 Red, White & Blue Giveaway for You Winner!!

Thanks to all of you that entered our Fab 4th of July Red, White & Blue Giveaway for You drawing!  Our winner is sure to enjoy the cool prizes that are great for entertaining and for mess free meal time.  Plus the Great Plate lets users multi-task with a drink holder smack in the middle […]

This Week’s 3TV Segment: Hot Walgreens Beauty Buys for Less!

Too hot to drive all the way to the mall for your beauty products?  Go no further than your local drugstore because Walgreens just added a bunch of hot beauty products with prices that are cool.  Many of these items can replace the more expensive drug store brands.  We found some splurge vs steal stuff […]

Fab 4th of July Red, White & Blue Drawing for You!

Happy Fab 4th of July!  Wishing everyone a safe and happy one!  To celebrate we are doing a red, white and blue giveaway for your summer eating and entertaining fun.  Check out these cool red, white and blue stackable plates that has a place for a cup and food that can all be held in […]

Classy Cabins AZ: A Cool Getaway Destination

Looking to get out of the heat now or to pre-book the perfect Fall Break getaway?  Look no further than the lovely Flagstaff/Williams/Grand Canyon area where the beautifully furnished Classy Cabins AZ are available to rent for a terrific family vacation!  These gorgeous cabins also are great for a romantic trip for just the two […]

AZ Local: 10 Reasons Why VYT Wizard of Oz Is Must See

Looking for a family friendly and entertaining activity to get out of the heat?  Look no further than downtown Phoenix and visit the beautiful Herberger Theater Center to see the toe tapping, high energy, moving and infectious production of Valley Youth Theatre’s Wizard of Oz!  This show will have you exclaiming, “oh my” in no time! […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

              So, who is today’s Freebie Friday winner??  What did our winner win? Keep on reading!!  And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware,  jewelry and more!  Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s […]

Red, White & Blue Memorial Day Giveway Winner!

Thanks to the many of you who entered our Red, White & Blue Memorial Day giveaway!  We had a lot of entries and we also want to thank Teresa’s Creative Gifts for giving us the beautiful flag scarf/wrap and stylish stars and stripes cosmetic bag to give away in this drawing that we did through […]

Freebie Friday Winner!

            So, who is today’s Freebie Friday winner??  (We will do the drawing for the free Lugabug tomorrow, so stayed tune for that for those that entered.) But for today, our weekly Freebie Friday drawing that all of subscribers are automatically entered into….what did our winner win? Keep on reading!!  […]