If you saw my 3TV segment on the KTVK “Your Life A to Z” show this week, you will know that I showed lots of gift ideas! Ideas for everyone, like teachers and even the furry family members. Here is the information for each item I showed with links on how to purchase, too. Meaningful […]
Freebie Friday Winner!
So, who is today’s winner?? What did our winner win? Keep on reading!! And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware, jewelry and more! Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this […]
Homemade Holiday Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
Who says ice cream is just for summer? How about homemade holiday vanilla bean ice cream to serve with pie or all by itself with a little red and green flair. If you own an ice cream maker, this recipe is for you. Your holiday guests will cheer when they see that ice cream is […]
Different Than Pumpkin Pie…Try Pumpkin Supreme!
If you are not a pumpkin pie fan, but like pumpkin desserts or if you want something a little different from the usual pumpkin pie, try this scrumptious pumpkin supreme recipe. Several years ago, I asked my sister-in-law for her Texas family’s recipe for my all-time favorite dessert that she makes for us every Thanksgiving […]
Found! Healthier Organic Popcorn That Is Safe To Microwave!
Manic: My family years ago when I banned microwave popcorn from our home! Too many reports were surfacing that the chemicals and packaging used to pop the kernels in the microwave could be a health risk. So we gave it up and we have missed our popcorn. Managed: Today when I spotted a new brand of […]
My Thanksgiving Table Decor Deals & Ideas
Warm and inviting Thanksgiving table decor can set the mood and get the festivities going. After I posted a quick picture of my Thanksgiving table on Facebook, I had a lot of compliments and some questions about where I found my festive items. Love that and love my holiday table! So I decided to share in […]
Freebie Friday Winner!
So who is today’s winner?? So what did our winner win? Keep on reading!! And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware, jewelry and more! Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce […]
Holiday Gift Ideas Shown In My 3TV Morning Show Segment
If you caught my morning show segment on KTVK’s “Your Life A to Z’ show today and want to know where to get the cool gift ideas I showed, here is the information… I found quite the find at FOUND By Domestic Bliss store in Chandler. I love locally owned unique boutiques and FOUND is so […]
Freebie Friday Winner!
So who is today’s winner?? So what did our winner win? Keep on reading!! And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware, jewelry and more! Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s […]
Overnight Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal in Mason Jars
Here is a cool holiday breakfast idea for your guests. Make pumpkin spice oatmeal the night before. Prepare in individual mason jars that can be simply set out in a breakfast buffet the next morning, warm or cold. Such a fun, festive and flavorful idea with a recipe that is healthy clean eating. And some […]
AZ Local: AJ’s Thanksgiving Dinner PreOrder: How It Works
A few year ago, I tried the AJ’s Fine Food’s holiday dinner pre-order meal plan and it worked well, tasted great and happily fed all. And no one guessed that I had a little help from AJ’s Fine Foods. If you are considering cooking Turkey Day dinner, but need a little help, check out this […]
Freebie Friday Winner!
So who is today’s winner?? So what did our winner win? Keep on reading!! And remember if you are a subscriber, then you are automatically entered in our weekly drawing for great prizes that include beauty items, cookware, jewelry and more! Lots of cool stuff! Now, let’s announce this […]
My Black Eye Story & Boiron Arnicare Gel to the Rescue
Manic: Me! My former boss once lovingly gave me the nickname, Calamity and it still sticks, I must admit. When I saw her recently and reported to her that I gave myself a shiner (details below), she wasn’t surprised! And of course, I did this the same week that my daughter was set to perform […]
Stylish & Chic Reading Glass Giveaway!
If you are like me, chances are you have moved into the era of your life when reading glasses are needed. Lucky for us, Readers.com offers a great variety of all types, colors and styles of fashionable reading glasses for your peepers. Today they are giving managedmoms.com a pair for us to give to […]
Quick, Easy & Inexpensive Halloween Make It Yourself Mask Idea
Sometimes it’s what’s behind the mask that gets attention. I love sharing cool ideas that I see other moms brainstorm. I saw just that this morning in my Sunday school class. One of my students was very excited to show me her Tweety Bird mask that her mother crafted for her. I love the front […]