Losing A Pet: A Loss Felt Forever

Like many of us who have experienced the painful process of saying goodbye to our furry family member, Jodie held her sweet dog last week as he was put to sleep to end his suffering.  At 15 years old, his quality of life was all but gone and Jodie had to make that incredibly painful […]

Weekly Pet Pic: Cats & Their Cuddle Toys

Manic:  Clutter around the house that include human and feline toys! Managed:  But the clutter turns to absolute cuteness when I see how much our kitty loves his stuffed pal and check out this absolutely adorable picture one of our subscribers sent in of her beautiful kitty, Sparkle!  These two pics will put a smile […]

Weekly Pet Pic: A New Baby Boy for Bianca!

Manic:  Me thinking about getting good posts up on the website in a timely fashion for you all to enjoy! Managed:  My amazing team of writers who all contribute terrific content…and they do it on a volunteer basis, without any compensation!  So when one of our writers brings home a new baby boy pup, I’ve […]

Weekly Pet Pic: Two Heads Are Better Than One

Manic:  This week was crazy!  Our family had 8 doc/dentist appointments between the four of us, hubby traveled, hockey practice until 10pm, rehearsals, an invitation to speak at an event (which I enjoyed!), my car’s appointment at the shop and more.  I fell into a deep sleep last night and I happily slept in this […]

Weekly Pet Pic: He May Be a Dog, But He’s One Cool Card Shark!

Thank you to our managedmoms.com subscriber, Melissa for sharing this fun picture of her smart dog, Finley!  Yep, even though he is a dog, we think that he is actually quite a card shark!  See what we mean…. Send us your funny and cute pet pics!  We love to get them and look forward to sharing […]

Weekly Pet Pic: Cat Bed Battle

Manic:  Being too busy the last couple of weekends to post our weekly pet pics! Managed:  Getting back to this fun weekend post that we humans enjoy….funny and cute pics of our pets.  Those furry friends who reduce our stress level, especially when we take a break from our busy life to sit and watch […]

Who Says Animals Can’t Smile? This Week’s Pet Pic

Manic:  Getting back into the swing of things last week…and remembering to stick with my New Year’s Resolution to pace myself! Managed:  Taking a break from all of my work to admire our cute cat, Stanley…and who says that animals can’t smile?  The next day I took a break to admire my funny feline again….I […]

Weekly Pet Pic: No Flash Please!

I got a kick out of my cool cats, Stanley and Tucker, the other day.  They were posing very nicely for me, but I don’t think they like the flash.  Take a look and see if you agree with my assessment…. Send us your funny or cute pet pic!  We are big believers here at […]

Weekly Pet Pic: A Canine with Christmas Spirit!

Thank you to managedmoms.com subscriber, Lisa Walton, for sending in this picture of their festive and helpful dog, Geo!  He says…”I’m ready to lend a helping paw” and I think he is excited that it was time to put up the Christmas tree!  Take a look… We love this picture!  Thanks for sharing, Lisa! Send […]

Weekly Pet Pic: A Feline Face Plant!

Thank you to managedmoms.com reader (and she is one of our writers, too!), Lisa Walton, for finding this funny pet pic.  Lisa’s friend, Thad is this cat’s human and he gave us permission to share it.  Thad says this about the picture…. “Now that is what I call a Face Plant!”…….take a look and see […]

Weekly Pet Pic: Two Peas in a Pod

Manic.  We’ve had such busy weekends every single weekend that I haven’t done the weekly pet pic in a few weeks and we are crazy busy again this weekend, but I wanted to post this cute photo. Managed:  Making myself take the time to post this and to remember to give my feline kids some […]

You Won’t Believe This Week’s Pet Pic!

    Manic:  Me typing away on my laptop at Starbucks to make my freelance writing deadline! Managed:  Two beautiful birds perfectly perched atop the back of a cafe chair!  The Starbucks employees told me that the parrots and their person are regular customers!  I stopped writing for a bit and I asked the owner if I […]

Weekly Pet Post: Finley’s Frustration!

   Manic:  Most parents I know right now that are crazy busy with back-to-school homework help and busy extracurricular activities…and it is only going to get busier with the holidays approaching! Managed:  Taking time to play with your pet!  Not only is it good for your pet, but it is good for you humans, too.  […]

Lola’s Lookout Buddy

This week’s pet picture was sent to us by Lola’s mom and this is one of our favorites!  Lola likes to look out her window and she especially loves that her friend came to enjoy the view with her!  What a wonderful picture! Remember to take time to enjoy the view with your favorite furry friend, […]

Weekly Pet Pic: Tea Please!

A special thanks to one of our newest subscribers, Tonya, who sent in this darling photo of her kitten, Oscar who would like to be served some tea…  I think he is saying “tea please” and this picture makes me smile!   Tonya sent in a few other cute ones, too…. Oscar takes Kevin’s doggie […]