My 3TV Segment – Helpful Home Health Care Kit

If you saw my segment that aired today on the Your Life Arizona morning show, here are the details… With families home a lot more than in years past, it is more important than ever to have a good home health kit on hand.  Especially since we should try to avoid a trip to the […]

10 Easy Upgrades For Healthier Home

Since the world’s current events have a lot of people spending more time at home, I decided to share this helpful article by guest writer, Will Cotter.  Will tells us about 10 easy upgrades for a healthier and happier home. Take a look… Will says: We all want to maintain the healthiest home possible and […]

Quick Tips: Five Fab Finds For Home Life

2020 has forced many of us to spend way more hours at home than ever before.  Since my hubs and I both work 100% out of our home for now, I have discovered several items that have made life easier.  Some old and some new.  Here are my most recent five fab finds and why […]

It Happened To Us! My Quick Tip To Prevent Thieves From Hacking Car Key Fob

It happened to us!  See my short 1 minute video below to see our story about how I busted a couple of thugs who had hacked our remote key fob to break into my husband’s truck. What happened, how we thwarted the would-be thieves and my important quick tip on what you can do to […]

Lemi Shine Drawing Winner!

Thanks to everyone who entered our drawing for a chance to win a gift box with products from the Lemi Shine cleaning product line. Lemi Shine has become my new favorite cleaning brand. I especially like how lemon extract is used in the products to get things extra squeaky clean. So who is our winner […]

Lemi Shine Cleaning Line Shines…Plus A Giveaway Drawing

Manic:  My cleaning supply closet a few months ago.  The anxiety that Covid19 caused early on had me scrambling to stock up on home cleaning supplies.  Testing different cleaning lines has become one of my unexpected hobbies these last few months. Managed:  My cleaning supply closet today.  It is stocked and organized.  Finally.  I now have some […]

Kitchen Cool Tools For Healthy Eating & Multitasking

2020 finds me cooking in my kitchen much more than in previous years.  I noticed that I’m using a lot of my tried and true kitchen tools to prepare healthy foods for my family.  I also noticed that I’m multitasking with a lot of these cool tools.  Most of what I show are simple items […]

Cool Tools In The Kitchen For Healthy Eating & Multitasking

As seen in my 3TV Your Life Arizona morning show segment that aired today… Like most people, I have been cooking a lot more lately.  As I spend more hours in the kitchen these days, I noticed that I have some favorite cool tools that I swear by.  All are ordinary kitchen items that you […]

Super Simple Cleansing Method For Fruits & Veggies

If you saw my segment today on the 3TV Your Life Arizona morning show and want the notes, here they are.  If you missed the segment, here it is…The produce rinse recipe tip comes from my mom and it works well. To clean your fruits and veggies simply combine one part of distilled white vinegar […]

Daily Smile Share: Simple Six Ingredient Oven Fried Chicken

Today’s daily share hopefully makes you smile because I remembered a yummy recipe for fried chicken that is easy to make.  My family loved this when I made it last time.  You know what?  The last time was a very long time ago because life got so busy that we stopped eating a home cooked […]

Both Videos – DIY Hand Sanitizer & Hand Washing After Care For Hands

Yesterday’s article included the post hand washing care plan to keep hands moisturized.  Here is the other segment with the DIY hand sanitizer recipe.  I didn’t realize that one of the videos was missing until later in the day.  So I’m running both today in case you missed both yesterday and want the information I […]

Hand Care Products & DIY Hand Sanitizer Recipe

Excessive hand washing (keep it up) can result in very dry hands so see my Your Life Arizona morning show segment below to learn how to keep them moisturized.  Plus, I share the recipe I found to make homemade hand sanitizer.  For the hand sanitizer recipe and list of product links I showed in the […]

Top Tips To Prepare Your Home For Sale

A longtime friend of mine, local realtor, Heather Newman really knows her stuff.  I read that Phoenix is now the #1 fastest growing city in the nation so I asked Heather if she was seeing a spike in home sales.  She told me about what’s called Spring Selling Season.  She also told me that the […]

My More Organization, Less Stress Morning Show Segment

Are you an internal or external organizer?  Watch this segment to get the answer.  Knowing which one you are streamlines the get organized process making it easier to have more organization and less stress in your life.  Check out these inexpensive and easy get organized ideas for your home, travel, car and more.  Here is […]

Rachel Recommends-Tips For More Organization & Less Stress

As seen in my KTVK Your Life Arizona segment today.  More organization and less stress are my New Year’s Resolutions.  So far, I’ve been slowly but surely tackling this goal.  It works!  I’m feeling less stressed.  Less clutter means more calmness.  Look at some of my tried and true tips and tools as well as […]