Back To Basics Quick Tip: Are You Doing This Right?

Here is a back-to-basics quick tip as we celebrate our nation getting somewhat back to normal…are you doing this right…are you washing your hands correctly?  I would have never thought that I would do a handwashing segment on my morning show…and that it would be a popular segment!  If 2020 reminded us of anything, it’s […]

Fab Food Smart Swaps

If you saw my KTVK 3TV fab food smart swap segment today on the Your Life Arizona morning show, then you probably want the simple swap recipes. Here they are.  Smart, simple, satisfying and savory.  A big thank you to my future daughter-in-law to be, Hannah for these great ideas. Fab Food Everything Bagel Smart […]

Watch My Your Life AZ Morning Show Segment – Home Health Picks

Watch my Your Life Arizona morning show segment below to see my quick tips top picks for the best home healthcare items to have on hand for the whole family. Take a look and see if these items are on your list. If I missed a good one, let me know and leave your pick […]

My 3TV Segment – Helpful Home Health Care Kit

If you saw my segment that aired today on the Your Life Arizona morning show, here are the details… With families home a lot more than in years past, it is more important than ever to have a good home health kit on hand.  Especially since we should try to avoid a trip to the […]

Have Your Cake & Eat It Too Healthy Vanilla Protein Cake Recipe

After taking a few weeks off the blog for some time off to help my family…I am back.  And it is a New Year.  Happy New Year.  I think everyone is ready to ring in 2021! I’m sure many of you are kicking off the year with a healthy eating plan. But that doesn’t mean […]

Freebie Friday: Enter For Chance To Win Awesome Boiron Prize Pack

Today’s prize pack is my mother’s absolute favorite homeopathic medicine line.  I have to agree that, time and time again, Boiron products have helped me as well.  Our favorite Boiron go-to item is the Arnicare Gel, although we faithfully use many of the Boiron products for all kinds of ailments as well as for proactive […]

Think Pink: Getting A Mammogram In 2020 Plus A Pretty Pink Giveaway Drawing

What’s it like to get a mammogram amid the craziness of 2020?  Since it is Breast Cancer Awareness month and several of my friends have been warriors as they battle the disease, I decided to take their advice and stop delaying my own appointment. Was it different like everything else is in 2020? A little. […]

Quick Tips: Five Fab Finds For Home Life

2020 has forced many of us to spend way more hours at home than ever before.  Since my hubs and I both work 100% out of our home for now, I have discovered several items that have made life easier.  Some old and some new.  Here are my most recent five fab finds and why […]

Hand Care Products & DIY Hand Sanitizer Recipe

Excessive hand washing (keep it up) can result in very dry hands so see my Your Life Arizona morning show segment below to learn how to keep them moisturized.  Plus, I share the recipe I found to make homemade hand sanitizer.  For the hand sanitizer recipe and list of product links I showed in the […]

My 3TV Cold, Flu & Allergy Wellness Segment

My home wellness kit got me through a horrible sinus infection and the Influenza A that I had at the same time last month.  It all worked so well that I decided to show my wellness kit in my recent Your Life Arizona morning show segment.  Wellness is top of mind right now with all […]

From My 3TV Morning Show Segment: Mama Wellness Kit Picks

Having just recovered from the flu that struck with a bad sinus infection, wellness is top of mind for me.  So I decided to share my mama wellness kit picks in my Your Life Arizona morning show segment today.  As the flu always does, it came on fast so I was very happy that I […]

Dangers Of A Sedentary Lifestyle

I just recovered from the flu and a bad sinus infection.  That was not fun and I had to pump a lot of meds in my body to help me recover.  It strikes me that the last time I had the flu was 10 years ago.  That was the year that I didn’t get the […]

We Did Aerial Yoga…Or What I Call…Upside Down Yoga!

Last Sunday I hung out with my daughter. Literally!  Ever tried an aerial yoga class? We have several times now.  Loved it every time.  If you want to try a class, read on to see the two places we have experienced, as well as a third one that my daughter did with friends.  Plus, I […]

Manic Managed Allergy Season Help!

Allergy season!  Nobody’s favorite!  If you saw my 3TV segment on the Your Life Arizona show, then you saw a few of the items that I have discovered that have helped me so much.  I no longer have to take a daily Claritin and that has been nice.  Here is what I covered plus a […]

My Eye Scare That Apparently Happens To All As We Age

Our eyes.  The window to our soul.  A major organ that is our body’s best friend.  So much so, that we get two of these crucial body parts. My vision is definitely something that I don’t take for granted.  I am extremely near-sighted, have a mole in my eye that my eye doc keeps an […]